Pass xa 100.5 vs Musical Fidelity AMS100

Has anyone heard these side by side?
I see so much amazing press for the pass XA 100.5 but hard to find a word on the AMS100...
I owned the best MF, but MF misses an important part in highend audio........depth. I also owned the 100.5. It has much more depth comparred to MF.
An interesting thread. I own a Shindo Aurieges/Pass XA30.5 combo. FWIW, I compared the EAR 868 to my Aurieges, and in my system, to my ear, I much preferred the Shindo. More life, more musically involving. Re power amps - another option to consider is Luxman. Check out the thread on the Luxman M600A on this site.
Keilschmeil, you can hear Pass gear at Audio Connection in NJ. I bought my Vandersteens from John. Highly recommended.