PASS XA100.5

To all user of Pass 100.5/ Can you tell me the preamp you use with it and why?

Thanks for your help
Rabbani, The X250.5 should run any speakers. The 250.5 is a pretty big amp.Unless you require powering huge speakers you should be OK with just about any speaker.
Which: I use Conrad Johnson preamps with my XA100.5's. I switch between their ART 2 and ACT 2.2 depending on mood.

Why: Bottom line is because they sound great. From a technical standpoint, they are one of the only preamps I have heard of that use just "1" gain stage and no cathode follower. That and pure class A and no negative feedback makes for a very pure circuit.
I currently use the XP-20 replacing the X-1 with my XA100.5 amps. They are both excellent combinations. I've only tried one tube preamp with these and it was not a good match. The Pass preamps sound very good with the Pass amps.