Passive or Active Sub???


I need help in deciding which way to go. I have a 6 channel amp (Elektra Reference) delivering 180 WPC and I am not using the sixth channel so I thought about getting a quality passive sub and drive it with the Amp. My room is small-medium sized (about 17 X 13) and I am interested in a very musical and quick sub. I don’t want to shake the house I just want something very tight and punchy for both 2 channel and HT. My gear includes JMLab electra (920, 905 and cc-30) and the processor is RDC-7 (Integra).

I would greatly appreciate any input or suggestions. Should I go passive? If so, which sub is recommended? (I guess I need a 10' or 12'). Price range is up to 1000$.

Feel free to suggest any ideas/ recommendations.

Thank you.
Find a used Bag-End Infra-sub 18 inch subwoofer which retails for $1600. One of the tightest most musical subs you'll find in most any price range. I had one in my home for about 2 weeks. I couldn't believe any 18-inch sub could be so tight. Almost too tight. It's not the best fit'n finish you'll find but ...

I am using a Triad Platinum 18-inch sub which musically is a little step down from the Bag-End but has more features for dialing in a bit better. If you can find one used, it should also be around $1000.

Both subs are active at about 450 wpc. In this price range, you're probably better off not even trying to find a passive sub.

If you have an extra channel, try the Hsu passive tube sub for only about 350 dollars. They even have a fre 30 day trial period. What have you got to lose ?
I'd also say it is a good bet to try the HSU subs. for the money they are as good as you'll find......for the money. Can be boomy and tough to integrate without a quality XO though. The good thing about powered (active) subs is that they generally have a variable XO and, almost more importantly, a phase control. For a grand you can step up into a powered sub (used) that will better HSU subs handily, but then again you start a new VS. used debate. Good luck!