Pathos Classic One int.: So many for sale- Why ?

I am considering this integrated for purchase. At last count, there were 8 units for sale, BY FAR the greatest number of units of the same machine for sale on audiogon.

Is there something I should know about this machine ? Why so many for sale, including the apparently ''better'' MKII version? How is this affecting resale value? Why are these owners dumping them? Sure they must have sold many units of the Pathos, but they also sold probably 3 times as many Nait Nait 5's and Arcam A-85's, yet those machine remain relatively scarce on the used market. Comments anyone ?

I cannot get access to one for listening, as our local dealer dropped the line last year.
The reason might have to do with the Pathos only tends to work best with certain types of components. I bought my unit about 6 months ago and when I first hooked it up, I was like this is the worst unit I have heard. I promptly put it back on Audiogon. During that time, I got bored and for giggles, I actually had it hooked up to a Sony Portable CD player. I quickly took it off Audiogon when I found out what it is capable of doing. The thing sounded incredible and it was than I realized what all the fuss was about. The unit is among the best I have owned, which I have owned quite a number of components that were easily three times the cost. It is just a nice relaxing sound. I can tell when i like a component because my foot goes with the beat and I tend to listen to the whole song as opposed to just listening to 30 second samples. If you can get a Pathos Classic One II, I would get one because I think it's one of these products that the company didn't realize how good it was. Just be prepared that it might take some patience matching it up with the right equipment.