Paul Speltz speaker cables

Does anyone have experience with Speltz's speaker cables. He seems to claim they are better than coventional cables at a fraction of the cost. I understand his cables are solid rather than stranded. Is it too good to be true, that he is better than the high priced stuff.
Thanks Bob
"....the extra treble information people hear when using a low inductance (high capacitance design) could be amplifier oscillation bursts that add spatial information."
This means, the better the cable the worse the cable. The better the cable the more oscillation bursts and unstability it causes as only good cables are able to pass through spatial information and good amplifiers are able to recreate the venue atmosfere.
On some recordings there is much more spatial information then on others. You can hear it on compilations spanning many years eg. How low inductance cables are able to dfferentiate it causing oscillation bursts, strong on some recordings weaker on other I don't know.
I hear what I hear and anti-cables kill almost any spatial information, the recording venue is just sterile.
Midrange lacks detail also, voices are not in "there", artist's breath , nuances are suppressed.
The cables definitely need break in as they were smoother on top and more liquid after 20-25 hours.
Paul is a great guay, very understanding and flexible but his theory doesn't convince me. I hear what I hear.

Jkuc: venue information i.e. "space surrounding the instruments or performers" is directly related to high frequency speed and articulation. Higher levels of inductance attenuate higher frequencies, causing a reduction in spatial cues. This is why i've recommending using a geometry that is lower in inductance than the more traditionally used spaced conductors with this product. Not only is linearity improved, other benefits derived from increased linearity also become more apparent. Sean
Who has tried the anti-cables loosely or tightly tied together,or even twisted verses keeping the individual cables spaced apart by at least a couple of inches?
Has anyone experimented and found a sonic difference?
Sean, explain it to those who allege that higher inductance doesn't affect higher frequencies, not to me. I've noticed it clearly.
I bought three twisted pairs of Paul Speltz's Anti-Cables about six-months ago. I use them for my front right, left and center channels. I would use them for my rear channels also, except those wires are built into my celing and are not accessable.

The cables made a very clear improvement in the sound of my system. The three dimensionality of the sound image staging was markedly improved, probably due to improved phase convergence. You can sharply tell where each player is located, if the recording is made properly.

In addition to improved staging, the beauty of the sound is also much improved, both for spoken voice and music. I had been using type-4 Audioquest speaker cables to my B&W speakers. The Speltz Anti-cables are far superior to the Audioquest cables. I use the same audio system for CD, DVD, and HDTV and all are improved with the Speltz cables.

I am a member of the Audio Society of Minnesota. We had a speaker cable duel meeting about a year ago and auditioned multiple sets of speaker cables with otherwise unchanged audio equipment and music source. It was a blind audition (we didn't know what cables we were listening to until it was all over). The Speltz cables were far and away the best, beating out some very expensive cable competitors. That meeting convinced me that speaker cables make a big difference in the sound of a system.

Paul Speltz also makes component interconnect cables of equally high quality. I highly recommend the Paul Speltz cables.
Jeremy Hollerman