Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Always wish I would have bought that Bedini...

1) Lafayette receiver - still own
2) Macintosh 240 amplifier - my father's, he says it's still somewhere around, down the shore
3) Philco receiver, with an 8 track!
4) Sony something or other, 1970? receiver - still own
5) Fisher receiver - yes, I can hear you laughing - still own
6) Emerson receiver - OK, OK, have your fun(8 track & cassette) - still own
7) Panasonic 1976 receiver(yes, with the cassette player) - still own, it sits in its original box
8) Kenwood early 80s integrated amplifier - still own
9) NAD 2600A power amp - still own
10) VTL Stereo 70 - when the Manleys were new
11) Carver Silver 7T monoblock amps - should have bought the Amazing Platinums instead, they would have been keepers
12) My uncle's homemade Williamson circuit tube amplifier - hated giving it back...
13) Jadis Orchestra Reference integrated amplifier - still own
14) Will be buying a new power amp in the next two months - hmm, what will it be???

Marantz Receiver
Dynakit ST-70
Onkyo Integrated
Sansui SX1100 Receiver
Adcom GFA-555
PS Audio Delta 100
McCormack DNA-1 dlx
Denon 3600
Rotel RB985
Bryston 7B ST monos
Bryston 5B ST


Onkyo 484
Parasound HCA-2205
Classe Omega Omicron
NAD C350
Marantz 2270 reciever
Denon 2 channel reciever
Adcom 5... forgot the # but it was 100 watt/channel
Arcam 8r integrated
Linn LK100
Creek 5350SE
These do not include my office and home theater.
Apature Integrated (1982-83)
Audionics CC-2 mono pair (83-86)
Adcom CFA-555 (83-2000)
Sony STR-DB930 (00-00)
B&K AVR-202 (00-00)
Anthem Integrated 2 (00-00)
Bryston B-60R (01-01)
Sony STR-DB930 (01-01)
Arcam Alpha 9 (01-01)
Arcam Alpha 10 (01-02)
Sony STR-DB940 (01-01)
Denon AVR-3300 (01-)*
Monarchy Audio SM-70 pair (01-01)
Plinius 8200 (01-02)*
Monarchy Audio SM-70 pair (02-)*
B&K AVR-202 HT Only (02-)*

* Denotes Items I still own.

Note: Yes, I do realize that I bought and sold identicle items a couple of times. As prices dropped, items became better values and I re-purchased an identicle item only to find out why I sold it in the first place!!!

The B&K receiver dropped from $2850 list to $1850 and I bought it. I returned it to the dealer because it was too complicated to set up. I have since determined that all HT receivers are a pain. I just found a brand new in box B&K AVR 202 for $999. So, at about 1/3 the original price, it was a bargain I could not pass up.

I originally bought the Monarchy SM-70 pair and ran them unbalanced. I committed to sell them, then tried them in balanced mode. VERY NICE. So, when I found a good deal on another pair, I bought them.


SAE Integrated (from 1980 to 1995)
Acurus A150 (1995 to 1998)
Golden Tube SE 40 (1998 - 2001)
McCormack DNA 0.5 (2001 - present)
Spectral DMA 100 (next)