Plastic bands/straps around box

I'm getting ready to sell my B&W 802D/HTM1D/803D speakers. Looks like I need some of the plastic straps to go around and hold the boxes together. Tried searching, looking on Amazon & Home Depot. Used Shipping Straps and Plastic Shipping Straps but not finding them. What are they called?

Ag insider logo xs@2xwilliam321
Banding/strapping is the term.

Most shipping companies should carry it, if not and it’s DIY you’ll need the Plastic banding tool. Link below give you an idea what to search for.
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Those are close but not it. The straps I’m talking about are a made of plastic and they have a head on one side that allows you to slide the other end through and then it won’t come back out.

EDIT: I think I found a link on Amazon that is what I mean and you find around a lot of boxes.
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