Playstation 3 Blue Ray quality - How good is it ?

Can it compare to Sony top quality Blue Ray Player in term of sound/picture quality?

You bet, and the fact its software can be updated on line makes it future proof to a degree. Don't waste your money on a standalone yet. Be sure to have the remote that is made for the ps, it does it all. Be sure to get the blu-ray version of Planet Earth, video wise it is the acid test of performance. Recently tried the first audio blu-ray and stella was the performance and quality of the sound. Hopefully, since Sony is the mother and father of blue-ray, some of the great SACD's will be re-issued on that format. It will become the audio standard for the high end with more and more material being re-mastered for the medium. But now the bad news, no one will be able to 'mod' blu-ray in a PS3, so it will get bad press from the mod people. Best as I can tell the video press gives the PS3 the edge over everthing out there.
What he said!

I love watching new releases in blue-ray....WOW, Diehard rattled the windows in a big way, it was so fun! Not to mention, Gan Tourismo Prolog...

Then when the market stablizes, I'll get a dedicated player
I agree with both of the previous posters. It can't be beat right now... not unless you have an ungodly amount of money to blow on stereo equipment.