Please Help

I'm new to this hobby. I have a Bel-Canto Evo 2i and need a cd player or dac/trans combo. I've done as much research as possible which explains why I'm totally confused.

I've been told by someone respected in the modifications industry that if I go with seperates he would recommend a better transport than DAC. I've been told the complete opposite by others. I've also had many folks tell me that a one-boxed player is the way to go for the money.

I've got about $1,500+ to spend and would prefer to buy a good used product. I listen primarily to aggressive music but Norah Jones and Bob Marley are also regulars.

My speakers are JmLab Chorus S and have not been broken in yet, therefore they are still a little bright. These may end up front speakers for Home Theater and a 2 channel speaker upgrade will probably be in my not to distant future.

Any help would be appreciated, as well as any recommendations regarding cables and power conditioners. I'm in the vibration and shock isolation industry so hopefully I'll be able to handle that end.

Thanks for any help.

If you are new to this hobby AND only have $1,500 to spend don't even think about separtes. You can get an awesome used CDP for $1,500 but separates are consumed by those with lots of experience who know EXACTLY what they're looking for and can tweak their system by swapping in/out transports and DACs. Also, good ones are expensive, even used.

Also, stick with name brands to start: Cary, Audio Research, Sony, etc.

Also decide if you want only Redbook, SACD, Mulitiplayer etc.
Also, I've found power cords to be a good tweak but that's about it relative to other links in the chain (e.g., Interconnects, Tubes, Speaker Cables, Isolation, etc.). Further, power conditioning needs will depend on your situation. For instance, I live in a pretty rural area and have a dedicated line into my room. So, not much need for conditioning. If you live in an apartment building in NYC and everyone in your building has power tools, computers etc. running all the time and you live next to a radio station...different story.
I would recomend the 2 piece route, Transport and DAC.

Theta made an execelent transport in the Data Basic II. It comes up for sale on audiogon ocasionally for $550-$600.

That leaves the DAC I have the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista there are 2 on the gon right now. 1 lists for $1200 the other for $1500. If you go this route make sure the original owner has a set of spare tubes as the tubes will only last for about 10 years if you leave your DAC on 24/7 like I do.

There are 2 benchmark DAC's listed on the gon right now in the $800.00 range which would make an execelent compliment for the theta which would put you at approx $1400.00.

Then you need a digital cable lot of debate here but I do agree that it should be a 1.5 meter cable to help reduce jitter.

Good Luck in your search.

Good advice from all so far. I'll add my two cents worth. For the one box the Cary 308T or 303/200 would be my choice if I went that route. For you it would depend on whether you're into tubes or not.

However, like Artizen65, I would recommend the transport/DAC combo. The Theta is a good choice, but to save some money, pair it with an Audio Mirror, or one of the other Non-OS DACs on the market that can be found for about $500. This combination will be an excellent value and allow you to get good cables to boot.
Hey Scott,

The Audio Pimp had a Theta Data basic II (3-10) posted for under $600 and I have heard a lot of good things about the Bel Canto DAC2 ... ($650-800)

Thats well within your budget and leaves some money for a good cable ... I have heard and like both the Cary and the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista units as well.