Polarity issue

Hello all, I changed spade connections recently on a pair of anti cable spkr wires(Paul Speltz)and neglected to mark the plus and minus sides for the amp. The spades in question are not marked so I need a way to keep the polarity in sync. I have a radio shack meter and if anyone could assist me on what to do I would be most thankful. I have the wires twisted as recomended and most of the wire is inside my spkr posts for looks so tracing them from the spkr side is not an option. Thanks in advance and enjoy the music.
Wow thank you all for info and instructions. I especially like the advise from steve@q-audio. With my rig being a somewhat tight setup it would be easier to use the battery option. I guess my only other concern is the possible cap connection on my spkrs(epos els3). If these spkrs are indeed connected via a cap would the battery test hurt anything? I may have to just unhook the spkr wires from the amp end and do the meter thing as suggested by the other Agon members. Thanks again, Bret
If these spkrs are indeed connected via a cap would the battery test hurt anything?

No. The only problem with the cap coupling is that capacitors block DC which means the cone won't move and you wouldn't be able to determine the polarity using the battery method.

I may have to just unhook the spkr wires from the amp end and do the meter thing as suggested by the other Agon members.

You'll have to do that even with the battery test. Otherwise the amplifier's output will look like a short to the battery and all the current will flow through the amp rather than the woofer like it should.

Good luck!

Well Agang I'm happy to report all is well. Thanks to all who shared there knowledge and advise. That is what this hobby is all about.