Portal Audio Panache or Marantz PM8004

I'm simplifying my life and want an SS integrated amp an be done with it. If they can be found used, both can be had for around $800 used.

The Portal Audio is from the earlier 2000s while the Marantz is a current integrated. The Portal Audio has a passive preamp and no remote, while the Marantz is a full featured integrated w/ remote and phono. I can live with either.

What do you folks have to say about either integrated amp?
I also owned a Portal Panache for a while a few years ago and liked it very much. It does not have the detail and refinement of the best gear, but it has coherence, drive, and a pure, direct sound that I liked very much. Stunningly good headphone amp, as someone noted above.

As you probably know, Nelson Pass was supposedly involved in the design.
I owned the Panache and had problems with hum no matter what I did. Those problems were pointed out by others, in other threads. Funny enough, I traded down to the very similar, Acurus DIA-100 and no hum and a more assertive sound that I preferred. But it's a million years ago now; time has moved on.
I haven't heard the Panache but as a proud new papa of a Marantz PM-15S2b, I think the PM-8004 might be a good investment. Aside from the features and it's tendency towards neutral sound, it is made in Japan right alongside the Reference Series.

I also read on an English site that the Pearl Lite integrated is what the PM-8004 is called in Europe and that they are basically, the same creature.

Good luck and all the best,