Power Cables diminishing returns

I'm thinking of upgrading my PCs, but am wondering what the sweat spot is as far as price. The price point after which, you see diminishing returns. for example a $1000 is certainly not twice as good as a $500 cable.
Schubert, I work for one of the largest pharma companies. We don't see a dime of taxpayer cash. If we benefit from university research, we pay big bucks. The numbers quoted above for the cost of bringing a drug to market are accurate, and the research is funded by cash revenues generated by marketed drugs. Most university research is not aimed at discovery on new drugs. There are a few drugs on the market that were discovered by universities, but I can assure you, they are not dropped in the laps of pharma for free. Most pharma companies are working hard to bring down the cost of drug research.
Have to disagree with you on this one, there`s very little subsidy by taxpayers for drug/medicine development and testing.I realize it`s fashionable to bash the big companies these days but Brownsfan is right.

Thanks. I understand what you are trying to say now. The reason I'm so interested in the results is that the people who cite them, I feel, are not being completely honest with their intentions. Where you or I want to find out what the truth is in all this, I think some of the other posters just want to be right, and win the argument. Why? Because they just know their right. I guess.

That's why we never get to see the tests. We'll point out the flaws and they won't get to be right anymore. I do agree that a perfect listening test is not possible. If for nothing else but human error. Things like mistakes and lack of concentration on the test subject are bound to happen.

Where we may differ in opinion is that I feel a perfect listening test is not necessary for accurate results. I believe that if enough consideration is given in an effort to come up with the best possible listening test, we can factor in a healthy margin of error and end up with what we need to get solid results. Margin of error is very common in testing. I see no reason why we can't apply it here.

That's why I'm so anxious to see these tests. I'm willing to bet that some of the people on this site will point out some of the obvious flaws and maybe we can come up with a better test. Its entirely possible I may be proven wrong on some things. I'm OK with that. I've been wrong before.
Perhaps every 250.00+ pc cable,interconnect,SC ect should come with it's own recorder so we can hear the huge difference,recording doesn't lie.
Not one cable manufacturer has a before and after recording(do they)of the effect their cable makes on the sound.
Perhaps a Zoom H-2 handheld digital recorder will let us hear what's really going on.