Power Conditioners

I have been researching AC conditioners and the more I read the more I am confused. There are passive units such as the Running Springs and Velocitor and then there are the ones using transformers for "balanced power". Is one better for the front end and one for the amplifiers? Any info or opinion would be appreciated. Don
That's the problem with researching, many times the more you read the more confused you will become.
Just as with all things in this hobby, the best conditioner for your system can only really be chosen by you. Others can tell you what worked for them, but system synergy and personal musical taste vary so much that no one can tell you what will work best for you.

My reco would be to search the classifieds, and be patient. When you see a good deal on a unit that intrigues you, buy it and try it. If you like it, you're done, if not, try another.

One thing I would suggest on researching is to find out what the PLC does, and what you want. For instance, you have the RSA and the Walker listed together under passive conditioners. While they technically are both passive, the RSA offers surge protection while the Walker does not. This may or may not mean something to you.

I have a dedicated 20 amp line to my system and still benefit from balanced power condtioning. There is a BPT FS on Audio Asylum
I really like my TORUS 240v 15a balanced power isolation component.I am running 6 components and 3X 7bssts and a 4b-sst.She's DEAD QUIET.When funds are available will purchase
a 20a version just for the amps.There pricey (3000.00).
There is a review in Sereophile(using a pair of 28 B-ssts)
and there on the BRYSTON SITE.There is lots of reviews ect.
I would recommend Alan Maher's Power Enhancer V. It's a passive unit that works well with any audio equipment. At $275 it's a no brainer.
I went with very recently with a PSAudio Duet Power Center for $299.00. I guess you can call it a passive unit. It filters the A/C power and a surge protector far better than the mass market protectors out there. It also provides four 120VAC outlets. No question there is a large difference in the overall soundstage, detail, and clarity of the music being reproduced. There's an excellent technical video on the Duet at their website psaudio.com. I also recommend folks watch their DVD called "Coal to Coltrane". They send it out free and it's a study on power in general. Very well done by their own staff and includes their President Paul McGowan. Their website is jam packed with well researched technical info on power, power cords, cable, etc. I believe in their products.