Power Cord Preferances

Three parter: (1)Does a hi end power cord really make a difference? If so(2)What component is best served by using a high end power cord...ie a SACD Player, Preamp, Amp, all of the aforementioned, etc. (3)What are some of the best hi end cords out there?
Hi Sg69, #1, as Jfrech said Oh my yes!!! #2 as Detlof said, All. I Remember the first time I hooked up two King Cobras and two Cobras in my system. I became a believer. I prefer the Fim Gold PCs. The dynamics and transparency of the FIM PCs Is the best I have heard. Have not heard the Whale but I hope to as I was impressed with it's little brother the Eel. IMO the great PCs can be as important as any other component in a system.
#1-Most definitely they make a difference.#2-All are improved, but I agree with Jfrech that the old rule of starting at the front end is best, and will indeed be surprisingly system dependent. #3 There are some good cables to be found at all price levels; try Harmonic Tech, Transparent, Shunyata, ESP. Try as many as you can given the variation in sonic character.
Belden makes a 14/3 shielded power cord which sells for $10-15 and is way better than the stock cords. It's a good cheap way to start out and see what you think in your system.
Hi Detlof,

Just curious. Can you tell us what the name of the power cord your dealer friend marketed before the PC craze started?

Sg69; Others have answered your questions. I will just add that Syn. Res. Master Couplers are one of the original power cords that started the "Craze" and made believers out of many. There are now a ton of them available here on Audiogon for $150-180. They are still excellent cords and I have them on all components (4) in my $40K system. After putting in a dedicated AC and ground system the Master Couplers made a huge improvement. I started with pre-amp, then amp, and front end stuff. Cheers. Craig
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