Power Cords--Your Preference?

spending a lot of time auditioning power cords---this is what I currently know---I seem to prefer the Kimber Palladian PK 10 to just about anything else I've heard---my Cardas Golden Reference was not even in the running.

Would be interested to hear your feedback about your favorite power cables----also, yet to find anything for CD player that improves the sound--even Palladian seemed a bit too much for CD and better suited to my PRE or Power Amp--- all CJ equipment. Thoughts?
YUP...My system degrades appreciably with Cardas cables. Their power cords are the worst.
Definitely Elrod Power Systems. The newer Statement Gold and Silver line (not to mention the Diamond) are far superior to the earlier Elrods. Earlier model used ones are usually a great deal, though.
The Exemplar Portal power cords are the best power cords I have heard by a big margin. They are long linear copper and shielded. I don't know how they do it, but they make the sound stage have greater precision and realism.
i also have the fusion audio romance. it is a gold-based cable.

it is an alternative to the mojo. does anyone use this powercord ?

as in the case of food, there is no accounting for people's taste.