Powering up a SET amp after 6 months in storage

What precautions do I have to use in turning on my SET amp after it has been sitting unused for a number of months? I have heard the phrase "bring the amp back up slowly" in connection with tube amps and preamps, but I don't know exactly what that means, and if a tech guy has to do this for me. FYI, the amp has a mute switch in the back if that is any help. Thanks.
The issue with gear that has been sitting for long periods is generally a breakdown of the dielectric charge on the capacitors. To reform them, as pmotz suggests, a variac is used. Although initial power should actually be hundreths or even milliwatts and this power should be applied for at least 24 hours, increasing it slowly, over a period of days, to full power. But six months is just not a very long time though and there should be no issue whatsoever with just flipping the switch and enjoying the amp.
Agree 6 months is not a problem. Six YEARS... however, might be.
One way to do a poor imitation of proper care for a long term storage is to turn it on for only a moment. Less than a second. Some juice flows... but not enough to break anything. Then on again for two seconds after about five minutes. Then you are ready to go.