Pre-Amp for Parasound JC-1

Just ordered a pair of JC-1's and need a recommendation for a tube pre-amp . Particularly interested in performance differences between balanced and single ended operation.

These will be driving Wilson WP7 via Transparent Reference XL-SS. Source consists of AN CDT2 and Zanden 5000 Mk. III
Interconnects will also be Transparent Ref. XL-V.

If balanced operation is the way to go, it seriously limits the number of candidates. Thoughts/suggestions please.
The JC-1s are a touch cleaner used in balanced configuration, but the XLRs took every bit of thirty days of music 24/7 to break in and stop being bright.....The RCA sounds sweeter during break-in.....I would go for at least balanced outputs on the preamp and check the DC offset specs on the tube preamp or the JC-1s will be shutting down as they have a DC sensor which will be tripped by excessive amounts of DC......I have heard good things about the new BAT preamp, the 51SE I think it is called......
As a follow up to Bobs post, I owned a BAT VK-30SE and it shut down a few SS amps that I had audtioned. I never could find the DC leakage but it did happen on those amps that had the DC sensor. Try before buying.

Happy Listening.
Sue Kraft had intermittent trouble with her 30SE with the JC-1s shutting things down for a few seconds......The sensor opens the speaker relay so DC can't get through the amp to hurt the speakers......