Pre Amp or Amp Best Money Spent

Hello, putting together my first system around a pair of non sig. Vandy 2ce's late serial numbers. I am looking at Rogue tube pre/amps. I am wondering if I should spend the money on M-120's with an entry Rogue preamp or go for the Rogue 90 with Rogue 99 pre? Obviously there are tradeoffs but where is the long term benefits. I will be buying used. Thanks Dean
12-04-07: Pubul57
...the amp/speaker interface is absolutely critical and must be accounted for - the amp must have enough power to drive the speaker, but that should be easily accomplished.
Simply having enough power is not enough to properly match amp to speakers.
This article does a good job of explaining all that's involved in amp/speaker match. It's theme is primarily tube friendly speakers, but the concepts can be applied more broadly.

Those who take a simplistic approach of matching an amp to speakers based solely on having enough power are in for a rough ride. I've been on that road before.

Pubul57, I guarantee you the Ars Sonum/Merlin match is based on more than the Ars having enough power. I've listened to Merlin speakers sounding like crap driven with very powerful tube and solid state amps...more power than the speakers would ever require. On the other hand, I've heard the Merlins driven by significantly less powerful amps and sounding quite good.
Tvad, I agree with you and the point made in the article (a good informative read); it is not as simple as power (maybe the difference between horsepower (watts) and torque - current) - I am aware of the other factors, especially with tubes. But I still think it will be easier to find a good amp to drive the 2Ces without having to spend "a lot" on amplification, especially with SS, which I think generally work best with the Vandersteens. In other words, I think you could find a satisfactory pre/amp combo that will work well with VS with more budget going to the preamplifier. Frankly, I would just ask Richard - boy does he shoot straight, sometimes you have to duck. I also agree with you about the Merlins.
As mentioned in my previous post, I think you may be spending money disproportionately. The pre-Signature Vandersteen speakers are quite dated sounding compared with the newer versions. The Signatures and MkII's are much more open, alive in the highs, and transparent by comparison. I think you are going to always be limited by the older speakers to some extent.

That said, the Rogue amps sound nice with Vandersteen speakers. I can't comment on the others because I have no direct listening experience with those combinations.
Thanks guys. The info you provide regarding matching loads is the most direct. I will have to ask Richard becuase I simply can't decipher all that info, but you all do seem to be correct. Well the older Vandy's were a gift and just before the Sig models and we all gotta start somewhere, right? I will ask about the McCormack and Mac with Richard and let you know how it flows. Very helpfull!