preamp for berning/merlin/audio aero system

I am looking for recommendations for a tube preamp for a Berning ZH 270/Merlin VSM MX/Audio Aero Capitole Mk II SE system. I have heard very good things about the First Sound Presence Deluxe MK II, Lamm LL2, Hovland 100 or 200, Joule 150A, Herron VTSP-2, among others. Do any of the preamps listed,for instance, have greater synergy than any of the others with the rest of the system? I listen to a lot of jazz and classical right now, and rock. Like most, I like a musical sound, not bright, but detailed, with good separation between instruments, treble extension and sharp bass. Any insights will be greatly appreciated.
if you can get a hold of an Emotive Sira ,try it . i think its an excellent combination. very musical & detailed but not bright at all. i use it with my berning & merlin MM. if your near NYC your more than welcome to hear it.
Bobby from Merlin uses Joule Electra in his system, and now there's a new version that he has which is supposed to be even better(LA150 Mark II). Definitely synergy there with great full-bodied portrayal of instruments and very natural tonality.
Bobby has told me that many customers have also been happy with First Sound, CAT and Hovland. Like Dgarretson, I'm also currently using an Atma-Sphere. Critics have alluded to a brighter balance w/the First Sound. My CAT mk III was bettered in most respects by a Joule LA100 mk III. The Atma and Joule are both quite fine but different. It would be great if you had a chance to listen to them both.
Not too many comments about Lamm used w/this other gear...Cheers,
Kjo - I would look at a VAC Renaissance as being a wonderful mix with your system - should add pinpoint imaging and give you depth to your soundstage that the Merlins will be make good use of. With balanced and single ended inputs and outputs, cinema by-pass, and (included) remote as well as an optional phono stage, the Ren should be at the top of your list.
You didn't say how much your budget is, but I would recommend two things. First, wait until the new Berning preamp is commercially available--soon, I think. Promises to be a killer, the prototype has been used at a lot of shows where it is part of a system that (in lots of peoples' opinions) ranks among the best. That's where I will end up as soon as possible. Second, go for a Tron, a little-known but outstanding British preamp. That's what I have now. Like the Emotive Sira, it's 5687 based. Your system is much like mine(well, except for the Merlins, currently, although I did have the MX in the system with these components for about a year and a half), the Tron preamp, AA Capitole MK II SE CD, and a trio of 270's, two monoblocked on the bass and one stereo on the highs.