Preamp for H20 Signature S250

Im looking for a good match for my Signature H20 S250, it should have an HT bypass with balanced input and output, tube or ss, wife loves movies so i have to please her. Currently im using Anthem AVM30 as my pre/pro, Tyler Linbrook Signature 2 piece speaker sytem as front and planning to biamp (already bought 2 S250), VH Audio Flavor 4 PC, Von schweikert speakers for surround and center, all components are in dedicated 20amp line. Thanks in advance for all your help.
Pass Labs X 2.5 has the features you are looking for. Can be found used here on Gon for around $1800.00
Henry is making preamps now. Several have preferred them over an Adcom 750 when they heard them on Henry's system. The 750 sounds very good on it's own right. They can be picked up fairly cheaply.

The ARC Reference 2 tube preamp is a good match for H20 Stereo Signature in my system.
Muralman, Henry e-mailed me that his preamp still in development and doesnt know when he is going to release. i was thinking of sonic frontiers 1 or 2 (SE), jeff rowland, aesthetix calypso, anymore suggestion?
I'm not spending a lot of money at this time. I'm waiting for Henry's preamp release. Like I said, I have an Adcom 750. I know things can get better with a great preamp, I just don't know how. In other words, I live in ignorant bliss.

RLF had a good suggestion. I'm surprised no one else has jumped in with their suggestions. Amarandae uses a Supratek Chenin. Audiofankj uses a First Sound Presence Deluxe MkII.