preamp inverts polarity

I have a DeHavilland Ultraverve 3 preamp that inverts polarity.
my problem is my speaker cables, the negative cable is designed for negative terminal connection as is the positive cable is designed for positive terminal connection, so reversing the speaker cables defeats the design of the speaker cables.

what am I to do ?
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Cleedsy, old bean, a vacuum is created by evacuating air from the system not by compressing it.
Quite so. That's what I wrote:
You can decompress air it until it's a vacuum ...

Decompress is not the same as evacuate. There can be no vacuum without an enclosure. There can be compression and decompression in a room obviously, for acoustic waves, but not a vacuum. In space no one can hear you scream.
Costco, when speakers are “out of phase” I.e., the + - wires are reversed on both speakers, the system is in the Reverse Absolute Polarity from whatever state it was in previously. Polarity is relative. That’s kind of the whole point. And in that sense, as on the test track on the XLO Test CD, “out of phase” is equivalent to Absolute Polarity.

I suspect this is just a simple case of you following the wrong know...🐑 🐑 🐑
The transmission characteristics of air certainly don’t resemble electrically balanced operation.
That doesn’t mean that air is a "single-ended medium," as you’ve claimed. Air is also not a fig newton. That doesn’t mean air is a lemon meringue pie.