PREAMP technology shift? - Class A/ balanced/ dual-mono/ zero feedback vs. op-amp preamps

Hi all,

Even ten years ago, it seemed that the gold standard for solid-state pre's was some combination of the following: Class A/ balanced/ dual-mono/ zero feedback or local feedback. Recently, I'm seeing a range of well-reviewed preamps, from Schiit to Rowland, that use new, high-quality op-amps in their circuitry, to the extent that I wonder if op-amp technology, and chip manufacture in general, has gotten so good that some of the tried and true markers of quality (MOSFETs, Class A circuits) are not in the market except at the highest end, and even then, see also Jeff Rowland. Or is it that manufacturers are looking to less power hungry designs (I know that Rowland was concerned with meeting EU efficiency requirements in its latest designs) and so avoid Class A, for example? Does balanced/ dual mono seem less popular because separates are now less popular than integrateds? Have we reached a tipping point with op amps?

Here's a more focused question. I have invested in a 90s era Aragon 8008BB dual mono balanced amp, but i have an early 90s B&K PRO10-MC that I want to upgrade. Is a Schiit Freya a significant step up, or should I save my pennies for a used, more recent example of the old school: Classe CP500, Pass Labs Aleph or X2.5, or a good example of a newer approach, the Rowland Capri. Speakers are Vandersteen 2CE Sigs. Input impedance of the Aragon is 44 kOhms. 

The tube route is always possible, but I like the idea of a no-fuss, very clean ss, valuing sound stage and detail over warmth, which makes me think I'd be wasting my time with the Freya (any shoutouts for its JFET stage?)

Thanks for letting me wonder aloud!


There are many different types . I have had many in my day .Currently I have which is considered the purest preamp type, Single ended . Which has several unique features . It is a Direct Heated Triode type completely Lundahl Transformer coupled 5 transformers,and 3 chokes and the little known 4P1L Vacuum tube 
which is very Linear, plenty of gain to eliminate the need of another tube for additional gain stage like many indirect Heated tubes. A very detailed and 
well balanced tube .it can be a bit microphonic in vibration if the builder does not 
isolate the tubes and isolate and damp the power from the Audio output section properly .modern technologies like relay remote and 63 step Shunt attenuated- Khozmo type. just another  twist for another Audiophile dilemma.

If you're looking for a fully balanced pre-amp the Aleph P shouldn't be on your list. The Aleph products are strictly single ended in their gain device operation. The 2.5 is the way you'd want to go as it operates in complementary super symmetry. 
You are right that opamps have become very good in this new millennium. 

None of the aspects of circuit design/topology are mutually exclusive.
There are some opamps that run class A natively. Any op-amp can be biased into class A
Tube amps can run class B or Class A/B
Almost any circuit can be designed to run with balanced I/O's or even better yet designed full balanced.
It is also possible to design a circuit in one chassis yet make it run as a dual-mono unit.   

Hi @paulburnett, several years ago, I had the original Rowland Capri in my system for about 15 months -- a truly excellent preamplifier, which was a significant upgrade from the ARC Ref3 that I used before. The original capri was audibly superior to Ref3 on most all parameters: staging and imaging, authority and macro/micro dynamics, resolution and extension, harmonic complexity, as well as sweetness and control of treble intermodulation. The only marginal flaw I could detect is a certain shyness of fundamental frequencies in the deep bass... Although Capri had tremendous authority, deep bass notes were a little shy of fundamental harmonics. But at less than 1/3 the list price of Ref3, I could not complain... By contrast, Ref3 bass sounded somewhat muddled.


The original Capri was indeed based on the OPA1632, and like all Rowland preamplifiers, runs balanced in class A, with transformer coupled inputs and outputs implemented with Lundahl transformers. I call Capri a preamplifier in stead of a pure linestage, because you can add to it a phono card.... and in more recent times a DAC card instead of the phono.


The newer Capri S2 is outwardly almost identical, except for a new display and remote control... However, the circuit has been redesigned, and the OPA1632 has been replaced. I have heard Capri S2 at length at RMAF, and it is sonically significantly enhanced over the original.... The first thing I noticed is that the deep bass shortcoming is totally gone.... Deep bass is, well... Deep, without ever becoming bloated.... And overall Capri S2 is even more musical than the original.


You will find more information on Capri S2 at:


You can download the manual from my Dropbox at:


Feel free to drop me a PM if you like any other info on Capri S2.


Regards, Guido


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Let's  get real
anyone who is running a tube PRE amp into a low input impedance amp should be alert that they won't achieve bliss.
For you to claim op amp Pre amps
out perform a ref tube unit without stating the conditions is misleading 
and wanted to point this out.
