Processor hunt....does this animal exist??

OK, I’m having a really hard time finding the processor I want. All I want is;

1. At least one 5.1 analog input, two would be better
2. Only needs to do 5.1 DD/DTS as I have no desire to go to 6.1 or 7.1, 5.2 would be a plus though…
3. Solid analog section, none of this converting my analog to digital and back again
4. Would like DPL II but could do without
5. Prefer single ended and balanced outputs with at least one balanced input
6. Discreet remote codes for power…….
7. DC triggers/phast connectivity
8. Upgradeable power cord
9. No video on the unit, they all look cheesy to me, but I could defeat this if need be
10. OK, I’d like it in black, but would buy whatever color it comes in
11. Can’t be bright or harsh… spent too much time and funds to get rid of that sound, don’t want it back… (sorry, for me this rules out Bryston, Aragon, and I’m still not real impressed with Lexicon, though they’ve come a long way)

What I don’t need;
1. Video switching…all video goes straight to the TV, and if need be I’d use an external DVI switcher
2. WAF (she lets me buy any stereo gear I can afford!!!)

The rest of the system is an active Linn 51 with an Esoteric DV-50s, but will be progressing to a Revel (Salons/Voice/Studios) with likely Proceed HPA’s until I go to ML 436’s…..

Does someone make this for less than the cost of my house???? Bueller??
I enjoy the V4 Lexicon mc-12B. Once the microphones are used to dial in the room, the music is very close to an acoustically good room sound.

You can do many changes to the room such as adding new components, accessories, or speaker positions and dial in the room within twenty minutes. This is a stopgap measure until I get the money together to do a room from the ground up. It does really speak volumes on a good sound.
What about budget?
Just get a used Krell HTS, and have it moded by MSB tech for a 5.1 input($395). So, for $1700 range total, used, you get world class 5.1, and inputs, plus XLR in's/out's, lots of features...and most importantly, world class refined 5.1
Krell HTS series, Meridian (pricey, but really reall good), Parasound C2, Anthem AVM 30 (D1 if you have the budget)!!
The Meridian 861 can meet all your needs listed above and then some! It seems expensive at first but once you consider all that it can do plus how very easily upgradeable it is now and will continue to be into the future, it is a great investment!