Proper Toe-in Configuration

I have a pair of bookshelf speakers and a powered subwoofer in my 2-channel audio system. The audio system was recently moved to my living room which is 12' x 14' with a sloped ceiling. The system is along the 12' back wall.

Currently, the bookshelf speakers are roughly 6.5' apart and 9' from my listening position.

What is the correct configuration for a toe-in setup?

Some claim 2'-3' in-front of the listener. Others claim 1'-2' behind the listener. While some claim pointing straight at the listener.

What have you found works best in your toe-in setup?

Also, what tool / instrument (if any) have you used to configure your toe-in setup? I was thinking a pair of laser pointers.
i own a pair of magnepan 1.6 and recently acquired a pair of quads unlimited quad 57s.

i am the speakers toward the side walls, which are treated with a sound-absorbing material, in order to change the frequency response. since there is some absorption of the upper frequencies, i find the overall frequency response, closer to a balanced spectrum. of course, taste and preference are the issue here. try it and see what you hear. you can always move the speakers back to their former position.
Clio09, Mr T correctly makes a case for trying something different, and he is also right that you will hear a (major) change in spectrum balance, i.e. substantial roll of of high's and mid's, but it will also dull the signals which are so important in creating the information essential to resolution and imaging. Try it for sure, just don't spend any money..........:-)