PS Audio NEW Huron Firware upgrade. 😩😫😩

I was greatly anticipating this new firware upgrade for the direct stream ,and Jr dac.
i downloaded and applied this new huron so called upgrade   Was a Major letdown for me .
i love the analog like presentation before and row 6-8 perspective. Now it  is in your face town 1-2
to the 5 who heard it in my system Pass labs  class A mono blocks,DHT 4P1L Vacuum tube preamp,Silnote  upper cables 
Sonus Faber Olypica-3 speakers  Aurender 100-H  player AQ Diamond USB   
Core power technologies 1800 for line voltage.   It looks like I may have no choice but go back to the last 
generation of firmware  What a let down ,a few others online on other forums agree .i am sure some will like it  some of the musicality and flow of music are gone  it sounds more like a Sabre dac .
only 1 out of 5 at my house liked the change .how about  a happy medium .
for sure a revision should be in order . The analog smoothness was always welcome just a bit more bottom end and detail  back off the upsampling some ,maybe too much of a good thing.  In another setup 
that is all tubes it may be a good thing .

That sounds very encouraging to me,I've installed Huron on my Jr and in the next day or 2 I'm going to check it out in my main system.

Even though I have always liked both my DS and Jr,I always thought they good be better.

As Lance has said a lwr noise floor equals more music


Hello all,

I meant I installed Huron on my DS,I wanted to upgrade my Jr first but Huron won't be released for another week or so.

That's ok I don't have the time to listen much this week anyhow.


I’m liking Huron as well. I haven’t gone back to Torrys to test, but with Huron and some new iconoclast cables from believe it or not Belden (which I’m going to be a dealer for - ps audio dealer as well) I’m literally having a Sufjan Stevens concert in my listening room right now ! And the Illinoise album I’m listening to is 44.1. It’s shocking that a low res recording made in various apartments in brooklyn can sound so amazing.

I’m finding the bass to be more articulate, and more well controlled, so Pehaps yes someone might feel there is less bass.

Live music is my reference and I think Huron is getting us closer to it.

That being said, I did listen to the sgt. Pepper remix for the first time and thought some of the highs drove me out of the room a bit. Or it could distortion from the original multi tracks that’s now more audible. So maybe Huron has that quality as well on certain tracks. I don’t have much time on it yet but I the reference material I am playing has all been improved.

Ted Smith - the genius that he is for creating a DAC that keeps transforming itself - says that there is less ultrasonic noise.  
Did the noise floor change?

I was using the DSD direct to my amps and had to use the high gain setting... when I did so, there was a lot of hiss. Had them look at my unit and give me a loaner, both had the same issue. Eventually I just downgraded back to the PWDII.
I originally gave the Huron firmware a negative.
Since then things have changed years why, first I corrupted the down load 
The 1st time by removing the card reader before first right clicking to eject 
Then getting a ok sign.
This one tells me to go over all options . I had bought the latest best Card As, wire
From Pangea ,I thought was decent Wrong  on a hunch I replaced with a 
Furutech 0 crystal Copper power cord and all brightness went away noticeably better. A valuable lessen for even a seasoned Audiophile. 
Always check for any weak link in the chain.