PS Audio or Ayre?

So I'm thinking about getting the BHK signature preamp or, I just read a review on the AyreK5xe preamp. They both seem like great pieces. Anyone have a preference?
I am also an owner of the BHK-250 and BHK Pre Amp. Completely satisfied.  PS Audio's customer service is one of the best in the industry. 
count me as a very satisfied PS customer.  my entire system is PS except for speakers of course.   They make a great product and stand behind them with great customer service.   someone above made the comment about seeing the preamps used on Audiogon.  just checked and there are none. 

I think the bang for the buck quotient from PS is extremely high and i for one am looking forward to their upcoming speakers. 
I can also attest to the great customer service of PS Audio as a recent DMP owner.  Ayre used to be great (own a D-1 transport) but now I can’t get a response via email or on the phone to repair questions.  Hopefully, things will improve in the future.
@frustee I have a Perfect Wave and upgraded it to a Direct Stream. Check the PSAudio website for pricing. I just installed a Bridge II. It now decodes MQA. The software upgrades are free. 

I love the BHK Signature 300s driving my Joseph Audio Perspectives.   I am not using a preamp. 
Been running Ayre gear for a long time, no issues, sounds superb. My only need for service was to take advantage of their upgrade program. Great communication and fair price. If they upgrade a product you can get your unit upgraded to current spec for the difference in price between your version and the new. They don't make you buy a whole new unit.