Pure Class A shootout

Hi after doing a lot of research and listening, I think pure class A is still the way to go for me. I'm wondering if you have any opinions on the following amps and how they compare with each other:

1) Gryphon Colliseum (mono or stereo)
2) Gryphon Antileon Signature (mono or stereo)
3) Pass XA 160.5 or XA 200.5
4) Krell Evo 2

They will be powering Rockport Altair's or maybe Rockport Arrakis (still debating that one too).

I see a few dilemmas. For Krell, it seems like the spirit behind their products Dan D'Agostino is no longer with the firm and thus maybe their brand/lineup in the future may be compromised. Also, Krell's preamp reputation is not as good as their amplification. That's similar to Pass as well - great reputation on the amps but not as reputable on the pre-amps. Don't get offended as I'm only talking relative terms (i.e comparing products at very very lofty levels). For Gryphon, their amp and preamps are supposedly top notch, but right now the Euro is extremely strong vs the US$ and I'm thinking I should be picking up something American as it's more of a bargain. Gryphon + Rockport is a "formula" and I know I can't go wrong with it but I'm wondering if there are other options.

So I guess the question is:
1) Have anyone ever compared the best Pure Class A amps? How do they compare with one another? Yes I know they are all good at this level but unfortunately I have only listened to the Gryphons mated with Rockports.
2) Any other options that I should consider? No tubes please as I have no desire to mess with tubes.
3) Should I even compare/consider the older pure class A amps like the ML 33/33H? i.e are the new pure Class A leaps and bounds better than the older reference lines?

Thanks, -Isaac
Rockport speakers are voiced around Gryphon amplifiers, although Andy Payor has used several different amplifiers both tube and solid state over the years, including ML 33s. If you are considering the Altair and Arrakis I suggest cost should not be much of a consideration. You might audition various candidates including some not mentioned here instead of relying on forum posts. The speakers benefit from having generous power reserves to drive and control them and provide virtually unlimited headroom, nominal sensitivity notwithstanding. Is Rockport working on powered versions of the Altair and Arrakis?
The Krell shouldn't be in the list with all the other fine amps listed and the Pass has a metalic glare at the top end.

A lot of the others mentioned are quite good.

Add an NRG to the list or the Coda 100.

One of the best sounding amps of all time is Class B. The Essence Jasper. He claimes that it is the switchover distortion that is the problem.
I own the Pass XA100.5 and XP-20 preamp. It's true that Pass built its reputation on it amps, but this new preamp is excellent and is an incredible match with the XA.5 amps. There are some good reviews out there. Don't write off the Pass combo until you hear it. It is also less expensive than the others you mention.
My friend uses the Rockport Antares, (great speakers, probably the best I've ever heard actually), and he uses the Lamm hybrid M2.2s. These are 220 wpc monoblock amps, with one 6922 tube in each, (so tube rolling is a snap). However, they are not full Class A amplifiers, although they are heavily biased into Class A, (i.e. the first 41 wpc are full Class A, and then from there it goes into Class B). So basically, only the really loud musical passages actually go into Class B.

The Antares are the predesscor to the Altairs, and based upon my friend's system, I doubt you should be going with anything less than 200 wpc, to be honest. And a 200 wpc full class A amp would be a beast. (And I agree with Drjoe, that they would be hotter than hell, as even the M2.2s will warm up the room a few degrees.)

My two cents worth anyway.

Good luck in your search.
Clayton Audio makes the best class A amps (or any other type) I have ever heard. I've owned two of their models, S-2000 and M-200.
If I am not mistaken, true class A amps are 25% efficient.
This means that if the amp is 100watts it will be drawing
400 watts off the wall with no signal. This would be with
an 8 ohm load. A lot of amps are true class A at low power,
at higher power many amps switch to class A/B.
True class A amps usually run hotter than the gates of hell.
Changster wrote:
"2) Any other options that I should consider? No tubes please as I have no desire to mess with tubes."

It *is* possible to get the benefit of tubes without the mess - check out the Butler Audio Monad, these are amazing amps and you NEVER have to mess with the tubes:


I recently saw a *pair* of Monads selling for ~ $7k right here on Audiogon. That is a smokin' deal...

I have the Pass XA200.5. I would merely suggest that the reviews are accurate.

You probably could go with the XA160.5 based upon the 92 db sensitivity, unless your room was huge. I like the XA200.5 because it has tremendous control and ease over the woofers. Orchestral climaxes are clearly delineated without any strain or congestion.

The only downside is the 360 lbs of metal that is too hot to touch for more than a few moments. However, that is the case with most class A and high-powered tube amps.
And buy fast, cause due to the energy problem I can not see us using Class A amps in a few years.....lol
Others to consider are Lamm M1.2 (a hybrid Class A monoblock design with only one 6922 tube per amp), and Clayton M200 or M300, both fully Class A and SS with either 200/400 or 300/600 wpc into 8/4 ohms, respectively.
Hah sorry I meant the evo1.

I definitely like the pass xa.5 series too, but I'm not sure about their preamps, and also if they mate well with Rockports. Pass's Xa.5 series definitely seems like a bargain compared with the rest. Paired with Rockports, I've only listened to the Gryphons (mirage, colloseum, sonata allegro, antileon signature all mixed and matched). Gryphons mated with Rockports is almost a no brainer as it's almost like an established formula.

I would go for the Colloseum and buy the Tidal - Sunray as a speaker. I think the member "Ozy" had the Colloseum with the Arrakis.

As you mentioned the Gryphon combo with Rockport is a logical move. I believe Andy Payor voices his speakers using Gryphon electronics. I like Pass Labs as well, Accuphase gear is very well received, although I have not heard it. I know you said no tubes, but perhaps a Lamm 1.1 Hybrid amp as well.


hello, on your list, i like the pass labs the most, i thought the evo 2 is a preamp.. so i assume you are trying to match,so, depends on what power amp you choose and match the preamp later, most preamps are class A, so, it is easy, and the ML 33/33h is high bias class AB,NOT pure class A. as i recall, only the no.20/ML 2 series is pure class A.. good luck on your search..