Quad 2905 versus Quad 2805 plus subwoofer

Has anyone been able to compare the 2905 with a 2805 plus subwoofer?
I was wondering the same thing...have you reached any new information on this issue?
I have been a Quad user for a long time(988 at present)and I plan on moving up to the 2905.I will also use them in a bigger room.From my experence,I prefer to use subwoofers(pair)with all Quads.The 2905 has very good bass but adding the proper pair of Rel subs just gives you that extra dimension(ambient cues)I still believe that Quads are the best for the money.
I have owned a pair of 2905s for nearly 6 months. Properly setup the bass is awesome not in the Wilson Watt Puppy way but deeply satisdfying. By setup I mean apart from placement, the speakers should be rock steady using the supplied spikes.I would love to hear a Quad/Rel combo but suspect that some element of smearing can't be ruled out given the relative differences in the speed of the REL driver and the ESL diaphgram which is ultra fast. Anyway its an interesting idea and am really curious how you get along.
All the best.
i would go with the 2905 rather than disturbing the phase of the signal as Sunnyboy mentioned.If you have a really big room then the subs maybe necessary for full impact.The 2905 is supossed to be very very good in the bass as a stand alone speaker.If you are a slam addict such as Clivet seems to be,thenthe way to go is subs.Hope this helps-Dennis
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your advice. I did try the 2905's in my home but I could not live with them. Firstly the appearance - my wife could not stand their appearance when she saw them in the dealers showroom but said (most generously!) I should hear them at home.
When they arrived they looked like two great tombstones in the lounge and even I could not live with that, but the bass response was what finally decided it. I tried them at various distances from the rear wall but the bass seemed to be almost completely absent. Even the dealer (the very excellent John Jeffries of Sounds of Music, Heathfield, Sussex, UK) was surprised. He regards my room as having very good acoustics and it is a large room, so I am still puzzled). I was really disappointed at this. Maybe with a subwoofer they would have been bearable but did not pursue it due to the appearance. I am not a "bass freak", I just like hearing an orchestra which sounds right. I know you can never reproduce the real sound of an orchestra in your living room but I like to get near to it!
I now have a new system with which I am absolutely delighted.Previously I had four Linn Klouts feeding Keltiks with four cables and all the multi cable interconnections. I now have ONE integrated amplifier and the two speakers (biwired).
The speakers are Krell Resolution 2's and the amplifier a (Chinese made) DK LS.1 Reference III and for the first time in almost fifty years I am really satisfied with the sound and can just relax and listen to the music. Every record sounds so much better and I now can hear the difference between good lp's (which ARE more open) and good cd's. I can recommend the system to anyone and I still cannot believe that you can get this quality from an integrated amplifier and two speakers. Wonderful open sound with amazing imaging and tremendous power plus really deep clear bass.