Quad 989/2905 all around qualities


I would like to ask how newer versions of QUAD ESL with additional
bass panels perform in other styles of music rather traditional QUAD ESL
ultimate - jazz, classic, vocals and acoustic in general. Are they a way better then ESL63 let's say in progressive rock, pop of 80's psychedelic, fusion, or modern free jazz with some touch of electronic ?
I am not talking about hard rock, trance/house/excessive electronic or dynamic music.

Unfortunately, I can't listen to the new QUADS ESL in my area, so all i can do is trust some reviews and ask for people opinions.

I liked a lot ESL63 for what they do, but they were almost unlistenable while I was feeding them with LED ZEPPELIN or BoneyM for example.
So how are the new ones ?
Thank you.
It sounds logical that Strads or Amatis are better than the ESL63 (and probably 2905) at least "all around".

I prefer buying an person rather online and i am far from US/UK.
I have SF on my mind, so i will continue to look for opportunity to buy an Extrema. From time to time they've been seen on the 2nd hand market here as well.
FWIW, when i heard the 2905s...i started out with an A/B to Guarneris...then to Amatis...then to Strads...so when i give you my thoughts, they really are direct comparisons on the same day in the same system with amplification that was supposedly set up well for the audition.
First i heard it with Ensemble hybrid power-pre and it was just not strong enough to drive the Extrema IMHO, specially in orchestral music etc.
Than, we changed it to Parasound (HALO 2?) POWER. 400watt in 4ohms, high current. Was OK with the power(much better than 100+ watts of high current from Ensemble), but it clearly lack some quality to make SF Extrema to sound up to its potential. Never heard it with the Krell. I heard their FCA(?) 200/250
class A powers should be much better choice.

Yes, SF Extrema is on my list. If i find one, i will buy it and sort out the amplification. It really might be a good candidate for a decent ONE all-around speaker for long time to enjoy the music.
Hi...i have not heard mistral.

did you check the Sonus Faber for sale section here? there is a pair of Amati Homages for $9995. That is a superb price. The seller is an SF dealer, so hopefully you are buying safely. The bass is way better than esl63, and for the money hard to beat in the overall sound spectrum. at least email them and let them know you may be interested...give you some time to consider your next move!
Yesterday, i have listened to Mistral Audio (see separate thread) and was impressed with it sound given its price. It is some Chinese-UK company.
It is presented in US by NAPA acoustic (I am not from the States as you may understand from my english mistakes). I don't know much of this company and it doesn't have any serious reviews on the net, but again, i was pretty impressed with the sound. It is not SF of course. Not in the build quality (it is just average) and not with that sort of multi-flavour sound, but it still was pretty decent. Have you ever heard of Mistral ?
Given your desire for some serious volume, i would take Extrema over memento. Keep looking...you'll find one.

As for warm on Extrema with electronic...what electronics did you hear with the Extrema?

I suspect if you'd been using a good preamp and Krell FPB monoblocks, you'd have hard superbly powerful, clean natural but not overly warm sound with your deep electronic music...
Till recently i was not into HI-FI/Hi-END equipment business.
I like the music, much less the equipment, but you need some level of equipment to enjoy the soul within the music... I am still learning...
I have missed this specific Extrema by the matters of hours :-)
Somebody bought it :-) I was almost ready with the money :-)
In cash :-) Sad story, but the life goes one :-)

As for "cold" electornic music, i don't listen to it myself very often, but i have a few disks and i take always one with me to test the speaker. It reveals certain abilities (or disabilities) of the speaker. With the extrema the only problem i had was it "warm" or let's say "acoustic" type of sound.
It was perfect with all the rest, but for "cold" electronic music it was a bit
too warm for me, but again - it is a very sensitive speaker. It is of course depends on the cables, electronic equipment and alike. But i've heard the potential with in that speaker... As for its speed, dynamics and bass - i had no problem with trances or anything else... Many sais it is SF best speaker.
Never heard Amati or Stradivari (far above my room space and budget, even second handed). Mementos are of more specific-music-type oriented speakers than Extrema IMHO. Also, living with ESL63, my current equipment simply not good/strong enough to drive the Extrema...
It was my other concern... I'm using moderate powered tube amplifier with ESLs.
Hi Katamapah,

Actually, if i may respectfully say...the Extrema is probably the best of the SF speakers for trance, deep house. The Homage series are mellifluous...like cognac. The Extrema is more like a whisky or a bourbon. It has the extreme bass power and solidity to carry thru the pounding and the quick deep propulsive bass better than the Guarneri by far.

and yes, it needs and can take TONS of high-current power.

that is a very good option, and at today's s/hand prices...a great, great deal if you are happy with it. its' got my vote on your behalf! but only your vote counts!
I heard SF Extrema(2nd hand) and was really impressed with the sound. Not sure it good for "cold" electronic music in nature (trances and alike), but otherwise it has very special sound. It is like a good liqueur - many different flavors combine in one delicate sound. Also the wood work is superior.
Being told requires a lot of very clean watts and current. SF is amazing company. Liked it a lot...
Hi. i did not buy them...but not because i was not tempted!!! ;) I think the MG is a very, very good option. they are excellent, clean and much, much better suited for power. Whether you think they have quite the natural tonality is up to you...some of the MGs are cleaner, more linear, more modern in their sound. i have not heard them all. But they are still definitely electrostatics. They have the special magic that makes electrostatics so alluring. i have heard only very, very good things abou the 3.7.

You may also wish to hear the CLX, depending on budget. It is stunning...it lacks super bass but add the Descent sub someday and you've got world class full-range, full dynamics. seriously.

as for 2 speakers, thats a personal choice. not one for me...i prefer to buy the 'one' i like and focus on optimizing room, system, etc to optimize. and i know not all music will sound as good on it as others...but as you suggest, 2 speakers takes space and requires time wiring, moving, etc...

i do like Guarneris and Amatis...very electrostatic-like. The Anniversario has good bass (the new Futura even better). Guarneris are very, very electrostatic in nature...but very sweet tonality. you can play them loud...providing you've got high current...which the Quads will also require. good luck!!! pls keep us posted.
You listen to a broad music styles.
Did you bought Quads at the end ? :-)

As for ESL2905, they are very expensive speakers.
It is tough to buy such an expensive speaker with no ability to listen to it
in the first place. I do like my ESL63, but it was bought 2nd hand and it is completly different price tag, so while i do like it "sweet spots" and they suits for about 50% of my music taste, i would not buy a 15000$ (or even 5000$) speaker that is not a good all around speaker for me.

Yesterday i heard again the MG1.6 and while they were more dynamic and had a better bass, i just can't compare them to my QUAD ESL63. ESL63s strong and weak sides are almost the same as of 1.6, with MG1.6 being a bit more suitable for "modern" music, but still not great for rock or pop. Still, for the strong sides, i would choose ESL63 any day.

I will try to listen to MG3.7 (some people suggest it might suit me as all around speaker).

There is another option of course. The one that seems to me the most logical to some extent. Have 2 pair of speakers I always thought of it as a non-adequate solution, because i don't have a big room space, hence 2 pair of speakers is not very convenient, but as far as i see buying good all around dynamic speaker (SF, Audio Physics, Dynaudio etc) might be pretty expensive and even then, i'm not sure, they could be compared to ESL63 in what it does well. So buying a moderately good dynamic speaker (even 2nd handed) for all the dynamic music and keeping the ESL63 might be a better (and cheaper) overall solution than going for a very expensive new ESL2905 (given it is still not that good for dynamic music) or going for very expensive dynamic speakers...
Yes, i do. I heard all kinds of music...because i brought my own music which includes both jazz, classical, orchestral, as well as hip hop, rap, deep house. They are not optimal speakers for the hip hop, electronic stuff.

But compared to their older ancestors, i am told they hold up much better and you might find, with very high current amps that effortlessly deliver clean power to the speakers, you (might) get to a level that you are happy with. try...you never know.
Hi, Lloydelee21

Did you here them with more modern and dynamic music such
as pop/rock, some electronic or free jazz ?

My understanding is that even the new ones 989/2905 are still not
well suitable for that kind of music. They are the "extension" to ESL63 abilities, but they still pretty limited with their dynamic and impact abilities while playing classic/progressive rock, fusion etc.

Do you share such opinion ?
Hi katampah,

i have the opposite experience...never heard the older ones but have heard 988, 989, 2905 and the bigger 290-series as well. from what people in the room told me (who had heard the older ones and used them for years):
- the newer ones might lack a bit of the 'magic' that existed in the originals...but not everyone agreed with that
- what most people DID agree is that the build quality of 2905 is more solid, and the bass more powerful...and it does not shut off at nearly as soft a dynamic level as the older ones...so you can play much louder without fear of shut-down
- its faster and cleaner, more linear and more modern in its sound qualities
- otherwise, though very much a Quad speaker that has much of the electrostatic qualities that make them so unique