Question for cable/wire naysayers.....

For those who state that cables don't make a difference...... are you saying that all cables sound the same?  If not, what are you saying?   I've experimented with many different brands and materials and I can't possibly believe that those naysayers hear no differences.   And if the science says that the cables should sound the same, a simple experiment (listening!!!) should prove otherwise.  Or, are these naysayers not listening for changes in resolution, soundstaging/imaging, coherence.....and so on between cables?  Please elaborate on what you are NOT hearing and feel free to drop names.  What cables have you compared that didn't sound different?   I've just gotta know.  I'm floored every time I see a post or response in which cables are called snake oil or something comparable.  Please enlighten me......Thanks.
Although double-blind is a pain and I've found single-blind (level-matched and without tells) to work just as well for informal tests and be quick and easy. Having been a participant in blind tests myself, I now totally ignore all subjective views, except on speakers by people with proven similar tastes. Thank goodness for those blind tests early in my hobby, otherwise I may have spent a ton of money unnecessarily forever chasing the silver bullet.
You need a new system if can't differences between cables or have your hearing check.
What he said. Besides chasing the silver bullet is a mixed metaphor. I suspect he probably means chasing the dragon. Assuming they ever encountered a dragon, which they probably actually didn’t. 
The only thing i say is 
Spend as much as possible, i said as much as you can on all wires 
Good chance you won't have to upgrade like every thing else

A lot of the difficulty in obtaining audible differences in cables can be placed right at the door of wire directionality. A cable or interconnect in the wrong direction just won’t sound right. I’m referring to unshielded cables. But even shielded cables would sound better if they were manufactured with wire directionality in mind. Also cable comparisons must be performed slowly. It takes a day or two for the mechanical electrical interface of the cable connector to be reestablished. Ditto the power cord plug.