Question for Tragically Hip fans

I found there cd titled "Up to Here" several years ago and love every song on it. Recently I've picked up their latest titled "in Violet Light". These have a totally different sound, doesn't even sound like the same band to me. The "Violet Light" cd is a far more mellow sound. I prefer the rock sound of "Up to Here". Do any of you know if any of there other cd's sound similar to the "Hip" tunes I am used to? Maybe even where to get them, they are hard to come by.

Pick up "Phantom Power" almost anywhere. Barnes and Nobles website is great to order cd's from as they have almost anything. My brother and I are huge Hip fans. PP is a great rock record that has some real gems on it. Check it out! I don't think you'll be dissappointed.
Ha, I adore the Hip.

Road Apples - You will love it. (seen this for 8.99 new in cutout type sections of stores)

Fully Completely - You will love it.

Day for Night- You should like some cuts.

Live Between Us-You should like some cuts.(Nice live recording)

P. Power-You should like some cuts.

Trouble at the Henhouse-You should like some cuts.

Music at Work- This doesn't do a whole lot for me. More of an experimental type work.

Have Fun, A fantastic band!!!!
Fully Completely...unbelieveable album. This is especially true if you like the "rock out" age of the Hip.
Hi there,

I've been trying to get folks interested in the Hip here on the 'Gon. Glad to see a fellow Hip fan, they are one of the best live acts I've seen. I'd strongly recommend "Day for Night" as their best ever (My favourite Hip tune is Nautical Disaster), but if you like their harder rock stuff "Road Apples" and "Fully, Completely" are great choices. It's worth buying "Live Between Us" just to listen to Gord's bizarre banter. BTW, I bought "Day for Night" on vinyl off the Hip's website :

I'll be curious to hear what their new release will be like, "Vaccination Scar" is due out shortly. Enjoy the band! Jeff