Questionable service at Soundsmith

I sent my Benz Micro for a re-tipping.  After they received my cartridge I get an email on how to check status of the job.  Their website tells you retipping takes 8 - 14 weeks.  Well that came and went, I did not hear anything.  I checked the status now and then, nada.  I started to worry because it's been about a year now.  Finally, I decided to give them a call and find out what is going on.  In my mind, I'm thinking, have they lost my cartridge?  Did they misplace it?  What?  I couldn't get through, goes straight to voicemail every time.  So I decided to email an address I got from their website to ask for help.  I got a response that it will be done soon, they are really back logged.  An hour later, I get another email from another person saying it was done and ready to ship.  What?!  Did they just do a rush job on my cartridge?  Because I started to complain?  That they've had my cartridge laying around for about a year!  And here's the kicker, please pay $450 for the retipping.  Nice.  
Also want to add that I have used soundsmith and got great results and also spoke to Peter personally who is a real nice guy who takes time out of his busy day to answer lots of stupid questions from people like me. Thanks Peter for your great service. 
In the custom musical instrument industry people can wait years for a product from. master craftsman like Peter.  I hope he is able to pass on his amazing knowledge and skill to someone before he retires.   
On a completely other note, I have heard some new studies in cancer research that seem to indicate our gut flora is responsible for our immune system and fighting cancers.   I recently started taking a serious pro biotic called bio k.   My best to Peter's family.  
Keep fighting the good fight, Peter and my best to you and your family.  It's been a few years since we've had the opportunity to catch up and I always value our time spent together.

Our strengths as artisans can also be construed by some as a weakness.  In this day of "click to add to shopping cart", we're all accustomed to instant gratification.  Amazon Prime ... want it in 24 hours?  Click here.

And yet, the reason why people gravitate to the Soundsmiths, Schroeders, Galibiers and the like, is exactly because of a desire to go well beyond the "shopping cart experience".

Since I manufacture on a smaller scale than you do, it's simpler for me to involve my customers in the creative process of their new Galibier - to keep them informed of the progress of their new baby.  The challenges of education the customer are similar, but I have the benefit of doing it at a smaller volume level

Thom @ Galibier Design
Dear Tom - TOO many years...I don't do many shows anymore.....but hope our paths cross soon. ~ peter
As a theoretical potential customer I am not interested in hearing about Peter's life circumstances, even less so on the open forum. There are friends and professionals for this kind of interaction.