quiet hiss in backround?

i have a quiet hissing from speakers when no music is playing and i am sure it is there when music is on but hard to hear. it drives me crazy! i always attributed it to normal noise from my amplifier but i wonder what you folks think? is it a power issue? the amp is a krell fpb600c, dedicated line, no power conditioning (a small quiet line by audio prism (parallel power line filter) is all. is this normal?
I contacted a close friend who used to have the WP7's (I've only listened to WP8's in person). He said the Audio Research Ref 210 was head and shoulders the best combination he ever found for his WP7's. And he is someone who has literally tried everything.
just lost a long response...i hate that...anyway...

that is great stuff, appreciate your thoughts allot! the comments on the bat amp are very strong and i have heard good things about them previously. i have never owned tubes and know little about them to be honest so i have some reading to do. it would also be a smooth change $ wise as well. i have heard some of the audio research stuff but it has been many years. i do remember liking them and found them to be quite warm and detailed but also carried a nice punch. they are a bit more money then the bat but i think a fine suggestion. i really would like to avoid using a sub for 2 channel. i have played around with it and come to the conclusion it really works best with 2. it would be interesting to see how much of a bass dropoff i would have without the krell. you really think it is overdriving them? never heard that before.
i will need to do some figuring on how i could roll my watch center/surrounds into a complete theater but i have actually been looking at that anyway (new blu-ray interest, new panel technology...a long story, another obsession...)
wheels are spinning now....
I know the feeling.

Sorry about that!

Audio Research 110 would be a great match and unbeatable at the $'s.

Yes I do think the Krell is a terrible match. Krell would be great with Revels, not Wilson.

Go for it! You won't be dissapointed.
mike i am going to lose my audiogon privileges for asking these questions...i am really not an audiophile, i just love music and great sound. i know some but not much compared to allot of the guys on here...

how much different are tube amps? do they have the same ability i am used to as far as soundstage (it is huge and i suspect allot is the krell), depth, power etc? are they more delicate? how long do tubes last? are you constantly looking for better tubes or do you just use what comes with the amp? am i going to be banned for asking these ?'s?
On those speakers they'll do more than the Krell. They won't be as highly resolving as you're used to. That is what Krell does well. Soundstage should be just as good if not better.

Tubes last a while but if you leave the amp on all the time they'll wear out. You'll probably want an amp that is self biasing which means balance the voltage at the tubes and some track use time. Every once in a while a tube will go out so you might want a good tube tester and a few extras around. I would guess every other year you'll need to change them all out which is nothing more than screwing out the old ones and screwing in the new ones. Yes they require more work than SS but it's not a lot.
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