The above companies offer inexpensive speaker cables, especially Paul Speltz's compamy ANTI-CABLE, Has anyone tried one or both of these speaker cables??? I am always suspicious of claims of outperforming speaker cables costing 5 to 10 times more.

I just sold Acoustic Zen Hologram 2 speaker cable because it is too awkward, and easy to trip over. Need some feedback about the above inexpensive cables. Thank you
I have lots of Anti-Cables balanced interconnects and speaker cable I needed longer or shorter lengths in my new home.
Thank you to all who have responded so far.

Almarg, You are right, I am not into rolling off the top frequencies. Though they are a tad prominent in my current set-up. I have Acoustic Zen Adagios which are 6 ohms and 89db efficieny. I have informed Paul Speltz of the components in the system, especially a pair of Red Dragon digital mono block amps

Matored, Yes, the fact they are just cooper wire coated with red magic sauce does not make me confident of their quality. The area behind the speakers is not high trafficed, but behind my audio rack is a diffrent story. For, the record so far, the Audio Arts are not equal to the AZ's Hologram 2 speaker cable. They were preburned-in at the factory for 72 hours and I cooking them somemore. I was "very close" to buying Morrow Audio. SP-4 or SP5 speaker cable, but I decided to save some bucks with AA cable. That may have been a bad move because AA has N0 return policy.

I have also considered the new Nordost Leif series....in particular the "Purple Flair" which is in the middle of the pack, and I have heard, but only in passing. Though, Nordost claims that when you move their speaker cable around, they need to be given a short recovering period. This makes no sense to me, and makes me question their practicality. The issue again is whether they will provide better performance than Acoustic Zen's Hologram 2....which is a tall order ****(Tighter bass and greater musicality is my final goal)**** Nevertheless, the other cables, possibly other than the Anti-Cables can be run under a rug (I think) Otherwise I have some cheap cable risers I can use, but look like crap between the speakers. Thanks, Jim
I tried anti-cables, while I thought they were fairly good value, I found they could be beaten without spending too much more money. I sent mine back, but never received a refund.
I have had very good results with anticables although I use a very short length between my monoblocks and Von Schweikert VR4jrs. I have the biwires and they came pretwisted. They outperformed several other much higher priced cables in my system.
My results are the same as Dpatterson. Short anti-cables ranging from 2 to 3 feet, biwired, from monoblocks next to the speakers. Maybe it wouldn't matter what the speaker cables were like for such a short distance, but the anti cables work fine for me. No complaints.