"My Dad has a system like that", she said....

Ok, so what characterizes the moments when YOU reconsider this hobby.... :-o

I have said this in other threads, but let me repeat: exotic, expensive audio gear strewn about devil may care bachelor pads never hindered and always helped me to meet hot girls, including my wife.

If you think your audio equipment is hurting your social life, it's not. You might take a closer look at your personality and furniture, and/or hire a housekeeper.

The only thing that might ever make me reconsider this obsession is broken or in need of service components which weigh a ton, and incur gigantic shipping and repair charges when sent to overpriced service technicians.

Generally, however, this is still a lot of fun, even > 30 years after I started.
CWlondon, it is a mixed blessing. After I'm a little taken aback by her initial comment, she dives into it ("what are those, light bulbs?"...).
Hendrix.... He sounds just like Lenny Kravitz.. that. we listened to last night. Can I have it now?
Happily married with three grandsons which means there's no need to impress the ladies.
What makes me rethink this hobby though, and it happens quite frequently, is questions such as "which $1K power cable for my preamp will increase soundstage depth?" Or, "I installed $50 fuses in my cdp and the difference is amazing."
Drive me absolutely nuts. WTF are you doing listening to a pc/fuse? Listen to the freakin music.
OK, I feel better now. :)
ider when i go to online banking to transfer funds to checking so i can make an impulsive internet purchase and look at the sad story my account is. ha