"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment

Some recent posts about how far digital has come have got me thinking. I have a Theta DS Pro Gen III dac fed by a CEC TL5100Z as a transport. (The rest of the system is ARC LS2B Mk II into ARC VT-100 Mk II into Vandy 3a Sigs and 2WQ sub.)

I wonder what improvements I might hear if I were to go to a newer dac or newer cdp. In my current system, I hear grain when I listen to massed strings, some congestion on orchestral peaks, but otherwise most generally like what I hear.

Would newer digital stuff mitigate or eliminate these issues?

If I were to upgrade, where might I head next?

More generally, can anyone characterize the differences between my "old" Theta and newer digital equipment?


Ag insider logo xs@2xbikecommuter
I'll say it again-"without exceptional power conditioning & isolation of your digital souces AC" you simply have not heard 'anywhere near' the potential of CD playback.
WADIA 581 provides "twin 'fully balanced' sheilded toroidal transformers that are electrically, mechanically and accoustically isolated from the other components"...
Bigtee, not to argue, I continue to find that enhanced digital playback makes "most" of my CD's more enjoyable, revealing more of the artists 'art' and depth of sensitivity-and I'm feel we have not reached the playback potential of digital sound yet. Just reviewed the April/May TAS and found interesting items in digital playback. I too preferred the sound quality of SACD.Cheers
I will second Psacanli's observation that quality AC conditioning is a must. I would further add, try experimenting with vibration control devices for all components. Good listening. Jeff

Thanks for your thoughts. I am thinking about preamps as well, just not the subject of this thread. The Ref II and III are definitely on the short list there. I know that I will hear improvement with a newer preamp, although my LS2B and I have been happy for quite a while. You and eweedhome may be correct that there comes a point where more transparency and information isn't such a good thing. BTW, eweedhome, I would be interested in hearing how you like your EAR CDP when it arrives. Maybe you will post about it?

Psacanli, I am running dedicated power lines with digital separate from other components, but no other line conditioning. Maybe I will try to borrow something from a friend and see what I hear.

Yoby, I am using SRA stands to address vibration -- big difference with and without.

Anyone have thoughts on the differences I might hear between my (old) Theta and newer DACs and/or CDPs? I understand that at some point we bump up against format limitations, but I am wondering if newer and cheaper DACs are going to give me improvements compared to my older technology (even though they may not make strings sound like strings or strings on vinyl). If so, what kind of improvements? That was my original question, although I appreciate the other information you all have given.

I don't have easy access to other digital equipment at this point to audition, which is why I am trying learn from others' experience. Thanks again.

Over the next few days I will be comparing a Bel Canto Dac 3 to a Theta GEN V. I wish it had an optical input, I could just hook it to the PC. I'll have to test using a basic Denon DVD player instead.

I will be very interested in your comparison -- I hope you will post something about what you hear. Thanks.
