"Pace", it's importance for enjoyment?

The English press have used the term of "pace" to identify
what, I think, is a very important quality in the enjoyment
of an audio device. I have never had speakers, wires or
amplification have as much impact on this feeling of "pace"
(or I should say, lack of it)
as digital source components seem to have. Is this part
of where high-rez..SACD and DVD-A..provide an imporvement
over redbook? Too often I have had high-end cd players and
DACs provide detail..but lack the ability to let me enjoy
the listening. If there is any one thing I can point to
in vinyl vs. redbook, it is that quality of "pace". What
are your thoughts?
Remember the TV commercial where the basketball coach's son reveals "I want to dance"? Now, that commercial had pace! A good dose of ginkgo biloba before listening also helps the ones and zeroes move down the neurons a little faster.
Prat? When I first started reading this thread, I thought "prat" was one of those sound effect balloon captions they used in MAD Magazine.
Thanks for some of the very valid comments about my previous statements. I wasn't talking about bass extension per se, but specific levels of output and their ability to deal with notes in a "timely" manner. The comments about mini monitors verify that point. While not real extended in output, most of these have a slight bass hump due to a higher resonance frequency. As such, this adds to their "apparent bass". They also use smaller drivers that are "quick" and "clean" in comparison to heavier and slower woofers. This adds to their "speed". Take away either factor and they are not nearly as "musical".

As to high frequency transients giving us cues in terms of attack or timing, i will agree with that and take it a step further. Since lower frequencies have FAR more harmonics within the audio range, it is their harmonic overtones that help to fill in the gaps where there were no primary notes. As such, this gives one the impression of a fuller, more tempo driven piece of music. If you think that bass doesn't affect your perception of tempo, think about how folks "bob" their head to bass notes or "tap" to the rhythm of bass notes. Their is a reason why bass and drums are called "the rhythm section". The "rhythm section" sets the "pace" for the rest of the band.

Here's a simple test. This test will work REGARDLESS of the bass characteristics of your speakers or room, i.e. the results will be the same even if your system normally sounds "fast", "full", "bloated", "thin", etc.. Put on a recording that is very uptempo and gets you "groovin". If you have tone controls, minimize the bass output levels ( if you have them ) and see how much "pace" or "rhythm" that piece of music has now. If you can't do this at home, try it in your car. Most car stereos still have some form of tone control to them as i suspect they always will. I think that you'll find that the "life", "groove", "body" or "energy" of the tune will have been DRASTICALLY reduced. This is true regardless of the fact that treble transients have been relatively unaltered in comparison.

The reason for this is that a fundamental bass note centered at 150 Hz, which is NOT extended by any means, will have harmonics at 300 Hz, 450 Hz, 600 Hz, 750 Hz, 900 Hz, 1150 Hz, 1300 Hz, 1450 Hz, 1600 Hz, 1750 Hz, 1900 Hz, 2050 Hz, etc... whereas a note centered at 4 Khz ( not even really a HIGH frequency ) will have harmonic output at 8 KHZ, 12 KHz, 16 KHz and then 20 KHz.

In a direct comparison, it is pretty obvious that bass fundamentals and harmonics cover a FAR wider frequency range than notes anywhere else in the audio spectrum. Also take note that many of the harmonic overtones associated with "bass" take place directly in what is referred to as the midrange area, where our ears are the most sensitive. As such, when you lose primary bass notes, you loose a LOT of harmonic structure and what gives music its' tempo. This is NOT to say that high or mid frequencies are NOT important to contributing to "pace", "prat", "air", "ambience", "imaging", etc.. as that would be totally ludicrous.

I hope that you can understand where i'm coming from. Sean
PS... i'm not trying to say that bass output is EVERYTHING when it comes to "prat". It is obviously just one aspect of a very complex issue. Sean