Raysonic gone belly up, is this a hoax? Read on...

Found this recently, if this is for real ?

You know, the prices of the non-trash chinese tube gear has gone up to the point that high-value, domestically built brands like Rogue/Quicksilver/Manley[before their huge price increases]/etc are often more affordable! I know which product I'd rather hook up to my speakers...

I don't ever WANT a product that has to be cherry-picked from a herd of DOA units. That speaks volumes about the (absence of) quality and (lack of) engineering. It belongs in the trash.

Yet audiophiles still buy loads of chinese gear, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of this is based on the assumption that "the HUGE savings in labor costs are being passed on to me, the consumer!". Like with the purportedly huge "we-cut-the-middleman" internet direct companies, when that was the hot new way to do hifi for less. It's only a bargain if they're building something worth keeping...and you might want to do a price check again, while you're at it.

I'm also wary of these "Designed In --nice sounding country--, Built in China" products. What do you think the chances are that this stuff is largely chinese (reverse engineered) design, with custom modifications/tweaks?
I once bought a Raysonic CD128 Tube CD Player directly from manufacturer half year ago and I had a good time with this CD player and liked very much. However, it stopped playing one day in August and it is still under warranty. So I sent emails to them for help. However, I have never got an answer from Raysonic company.

But one day, I receive an email from Susan who once was a worker in Raysonic. I was so surprised by the email and a little upset as no one can help my CD player now. I didn't believe her email at first. But when the other man sent me an email stating the same thing but different ways, his English was bad, but still be understood. And I started to believe what they said after I got no official answers from Raysonic for so long a time. I am still confused and want to make sure the truth.

Has anyone suffered from this? I need some parts to repair my CD128.

The email is as follows. Is this true?

Dear customers,
We are the workers of Raysonic Company of Taishan Danxing Audio Technology Co. LTD. in China. Our boss named Steven Leung or Leung Kam Leong RAN AWAY/Absconded on 19th Sept. 2012. Now the company is bankrupt. We haven’t been paid for the salary for more than 6 months and the total amount is more than USD30000. He also defrauded about USD 60000 from first payment/deposit of foreign businessmen. He also owes nearly USD 170000 to those material suppliers, house decoration company, shipping costs and the house renting fee and so on. His Raysonic brand is a brand that used to cheat people. The appearance for his products is garish, but the components inside the products are with bad quality. Customers had to send their amps back to him to repair for many times. Please do not be cheated again by him.

If you know where this Steven Leung or Leung Kam Leong is, then please kindly to tell us. He should pay us the salary. We worked so hard for him and we need to live with that salary!

If you don’t believe, you can call his telephone NO. of his Raysonic company here: 0086-7505626822. You will see that you got no answer.

The attachment is Raysonic’s business license. The boss, Leung Kam Long or Steven Leung is a Chinese, but immigrated to Canada for some years. He just registered the Raysonic for a few years and have already cheated a lot of people!

All the members that are cheated by Raysonic.
20th Sept.2012
Just to be clear, I wasn't defending the company up above in praising my Ray 128. Whatever happened, the employees obviously built some great products and should take pride in that. Curiously, the innards and outsides of my Raysonic look almost exactly like an Ayon CD player (6moons remarked on the strong similarity and suggested they were from the same factory). Hardly the same list price, though, and I'm pretty sure the Raysonic came first.
My Raysonic SP 120 MKII has worked flawlessly since purchase at the beginning of this year. It does not in any way look like it was made by irate, low-skilled workers using low quality materials, in fact, it is very substantially built, and was better in terms of overall musical presentation in a head to head comparison with a Jolida, and a Primaluna Prologue Three/Four combination. Its finish is also better than that on the Primaluna's - the paint job on the Raysonic's trannies is amazing.