Re: Amps for Thiel 2.3's

Am considering the McCormack .5 or DNA-1; or alternatively the Aragon 4004mkII or 8008BB. Anyone with suggestions? (perhaps the more expensive units are not essential?)
I have listened to all the Thiel speakers and own the CS7's The best match by far is CLASSE!!!!
Had a NAD 218 (200 W/PC) with Thiel 2.3's. Loved the speakers but they could not handle the amp-fried the crossovers). Strongly suggest Classe and nothing else. I like volume and the Thiel's can not handle and Thiel is not very accomodating when asked about loud volumes with their speakers (and I'm not talking excessive volume either). Went to B&W 802 Matrix but still have fond memory of Thiel sound...only wish they could handle the volume and that Thiel was more customer-friendly. M
I used McCormack DNA 0.5 Delux with good results, but the amp ran out of steam during low volume. I subsequently upgraded the amp to Krell FBP 200. This amp is amazing. It has total control of the speakers. Oh, boy. The bass is awsome! Talk about a day and night transformation.
Best sounding amp I have heard with that model thiel was Bryston 4B, which is more power than really needed, 3B would probably sound as well for less $.