Reaching the top and stoping

You would think that by buying the top gear one would never sell it for something else, Tara Labs Zero being a example.

What have you bought that you will not sell or upgrade.

Here is my list:

1. Voyd TT Plus
2. AN IO-Gold Cart
3. Helius TA
4. EAR 324
5. HRS M3 with Spaces and Couplers. Never ever DONE!
6. Isoclean a complete system. Never ever. DONE!
7. Lector 7T Mk3 Only good for cleaning the house and
making Love anyway. No need to upgrade ever.
Stopping SP error

Some other gear I will never rid of:

1. Audio Note Sogon Speaker Cable biwire
2. Audioharma 2.5 Pro I know, I know don't go there you
Everything I have is a non-replacement until it breaks item.
I am satisfied. Thus, I cannot be a true audiophile. I am only a sham audiophile, pretending to want to upgrade, even though i do not do so. I hang around here to maintain the appearances of being an audiophile.
Hah ha hah... Happy new year!
The only component in my system that is safe is my Esoteric P3/D5 transport and dac combo. Everything else is free game.