Real Stinkers

There was a recent thread about consecutive great albums by your favorite artists. How about turning it on it's head? What is the WORST album by your FAVORITE artist. The one where they REALLY stunk up the joint? The one that it pained you to listen to? The one where everybody went "What were they thinking?"

I'll start off, at the risk of picking a fight - Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboys by Elton John. Except for "Someone Saved My Life Tonight", I never really cared for the rest of the album.
Rickie Lee Jones, Live At Red Rock -- inexplicably crappy sound from someone whose records have always seemed to be made with care. I don't even know if the interpretations are any good... the sonics are so annoying.
Mdoughty & Jond, thanks for your comments. I listened to Live Art again (I only listened to it once, it sounded so bad). Since my initial listen, I replaced my amps, preamp, speakers, I2S cable, listening room (much more alive), outlets -- and added dedicated lines -- and had my cd player cleaned/repaired. Maybe that's it, because Live Art sounds great now! Who knows, maybe I just had wax in my ears before ;-) Of course, I'll tell myself that all those new purchases were worth every penny!
In any case, it pays to listen more than once. Thanks -- I just added to my music collection by removing something from my junk bin. Hmmm ... I wonder how many others ...?
Seems like a true blue audiophile response. If the CD sounds bad change the system.