Recommend new floorstanding around $1500/pr please

Music preference is broad from classic to jazz to rock.

Rel Strata 5 subwoofer will be used together.

It'll also be used for fronts for movie.
So far...

I'm considering

soliloquy 5.3
vonschweikert vr2
Thiel 1.6
Paradigm studio 60

Anyway Rel Strata 5 subwoofer is firm in my system.
If you are going to spend 2 grand on new or used speakers, look for a set of used Sonus Faber Grand Piano's. I have mine runnign with a rel stadium III sub, and the integration is seemless. I am a big SF fan, and i think you woudl be more than pleased listening to all types of music with those speakers and your sub.
For under two grand you can pick up a pair of used Thiel CS3.6's. IMHO, this is one of the best bargains out there.