Recommendation for SS amp for biamping

Hello all,
The main components of my system are Esoteric DV-60s (digital), ProJect RPM 1.3 with Ortofon Bronze cart (analog), Audio Reserach SP-26 preamp, Audio Note P Zero monoblocks and Von Schweikert VR-6 Speakers. These days just for the sake of experimenting I connected the bass modules of the speakers with a cheap low-end amplifier making in a way a passive biamping of the system. After measurements of the SPL levels coming from the bass and the mid-high modules in order to achieve balance the sound, I realized that there is some improvement. Now I intend to buy a SS amplifier (or monoblocks) to power the bass modules separately. It does matter above all how it sounds in the lower octaves - it has to be fast, responsive, agressive and dynamic. The price range is not an issue, but of course the costs preferably should be adequate to the rest of the components. No objections against second hand gear. Will appreciate all input. Tnx.
Hafler built a number of pro TransNova amps, many that provide gain controls for both channels(necessary for matching with your mains). Any of them would provide you with the bottom-end attributes you mentioned. One drawback: Most are equipped Pro-style inputs(XLR and 1/4"). You could use adapters(to audition), then install some good RCA jacks. The two best(9303 and 9505), both have RCA inputs, but- no gain controls, which are VERY critical for your application. (;_ylt=A0SO8zF3kM5STTUA_L1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0cWVmanVlBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM0M18x?_adv_prop=image&fr=uh3_my_web_gs&va=hafler+transnova)
Class D amplifiers (CDA) - SDS 470 - $700 with gain controls - high enough power to drive your low end,\. I bi-amp Von Schweikert VR-35s with Bel canto 1000 Ref on top and Class d amps on bottom with tube preamp and they work fine.
Not many options as I see. Just two ideas. Thank you so much. I thaught to use 2 Bel Canto ref 1000 M monoblocks for the bass. Is it good idea. They have 1000 W of power but are they punchy and agressive enough?