recommendation on new brush

    I am interested in an upgrade of my ole brush.(moble fidelity)This is to be used dry or "wet" on my tt .
i have a nitty gritty 2.5 (ole' trusty) record cleaner i use to keep everything neat ,but not everytime.
I wish I bought NittyGritty. When I flip record on VPI I know that just-cleaned side picks up some dirt from the platter. No comments from me about Last, I used it on a few records, then got lazy.
Wish someone would come up with digital equivalent of LPs (MQA???), but as it stands now there is no way to digitize even my CD collection! All the tips I see for digitizing classical music are too time-consuming or just plain stupid. And it is soo easy, just add a few more fields to the software so that we can have Composer+Work+Orchestra+Conductor+Performer+Chorus/soloists for opera. But NO, they are too busy making another DAC in a bulletproof case!
Funny I miss my vpi lol ...the little wheel on the nitty gets on my nerves,it does a fine jobs for the bucks as with most cleaners its loud a sh*t

I second the choice for the Hunt  EDA. This brush actually picks up the dust. Something many others don't do. IMO
