Recommended Integrated Amp for Dynaudio Focus 260

I recently heard this system:

Naim CD5XSsending its juice to PrimaLuna integrated amp, and powering the new Dynaudio 260 (4ohms)very slim floorstanders

The mid-bass, mid and highs were gorgeous. Very impressive.
Performed splendidly on audiophile CDs.
BUT....the low-end was appalling. Very weak, can't seem to hear the bass on many non-audiophile CDs. Not dynamic at all, and certainly not foot-tapping.

I suspect its the PrimaLuna valve integrated amp.

What other high-powered, highly dynamic, solid state integrated amplifier is a good match to the Dyn 260s?
I need tone controls, cos I play mostly non-audiophile, "regular" CDs and many are poorly recorded.
The amp should not cost more than the PrimaLuna.

Is the Marantz 8004 a good match?
I have tremendous respect for the PrimaLuna Prologue Premium integrated amp, and paired with my Dyn 260, the mids and highs are my dreams come true. Even on the most demanding CDs with Chinese flute that sounds piercing on many high end speakers, there was never any issues with the NaimCD5XS + PrimaLuna+ Dyn 260 combo. After playing with hi-fi for 30 years, I am very happy...except for the bass.

Last night till now, the new NAD 375 has been left running and playing Sheffield Labs Drum Test CD and the wonderful sound has even improved further. A friend brought his Dali Lektor2 bookshelf speakers to my place and it sound fantastic with the NAD.

Overall,I'm surprised and impressed with these new NAD amps. They dont seem to hv any seriously glaring issues in any specific areas, and being able to drive the 4ohm Dyns, that says a lot of their current delivery capabillity.

As Im writing this, my non-audiophile mother is busy digging out her old Diane Schuur CDs (audiophile quality recordings) and the track "New York" sounds absolutely fabulous on my system. im new to this forum and wanna thank everyone again for giving me such a wonderful suggestions. Greetings from Malaysia!
So I guess the conclusion of this thread is...Big NAD's
really do make a difference! :o)
Both mama and wife hv been listening to the Prima Luna and NAD for a few days and summarized the Prima Luna as....

haughty, highly intellectual girl who's always well-behaved, dresses appropriately and always maintain her decorum and poise. She can dance and groove, but she just doesn't look like the type of "hot gal". She might not fit into a clubbing scene, but she's the type you can bring home to see your mama, and will probably be your wife some day!

Im certainly keeping the Prima Luna..!! And will enjoy my new NAD also!