Recommended Test Records

Setting up rig after it being in storage for about 10 years.
Just bought a SoundSmith Sussurro MKII cartridge, so I want to set everything up as best I can.
Recently purchased the SmartTractor, but may not be compatible with Fidelity Research FR64s tonearm?

Here are the test records I have from previous:
Analogue Productions ’Utlimate Test LP’ (AAPT 1)

Ortofon Pick up test record direct cut (0001)

Opus 3 ’Test Record 1 Depth of Image’ (Opus 3 79-00)
Bolivar Speaker Works, Bolivar Blues band, ’Testing 1...2...3...’ (04 007 00)

Would appreciate suggestions for other or better test records and comments on what I have already.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

If you are really serious about setting to the best up then you owe it to check out the Analog Magik disc set, there was one listed on AudioGon

I have it and it is a pleasure to use

" Why wouldn’t the smartractor be compatible with FR? "

hello lewm,

I don’t know if the SmarTractor will not work, I put in the question mark, as in an older post by Syntax, he stated that the FR64s can only be properly set-up using the Dennison, which was a 2014 post... I haven’t seen a reply from him yet.