Record cleaner


I have a bottle of Record Research Lab Deep Cleaner but not the Super Vil Wash. Is the RRL Deep Cleaner should followed by the RRL Super Vinyl Wash? Can I just rinse the Record with distrilled water?

I would use those only with a vacuum record cleaning machine. There are other cleaners that are designed to work without a machine so if you're not planning to buy one, you might want to look into Last Record Cleaner, Allsop's Orbitrac or Premier spray cleaner.

The RRL Deep Cleaner is meant to be followed by the SVW which helps remove what may be left behind from the Deep Cleaner. You could try using distilled water, but it may not be as pure as the SVW. A final rinse with as pure a water as you can find should always be the last step no matter what you use as a cleaner.

Many people do use RRL without an RCM. If you wipe with some micro-fiber cloth and allow to fully dry it should be fine. I do agree that a good vacuuming will make the process work even better.
Deep Cleaner followed by Super Wash using a vacuum record machine after each application is the best way to do this. Also the Musical Fidelity pad works well to spread the solution. But let the solution do the work; there is no need to scrub, just a few revolutions each solution and you're done.