Record Cleaner Side Effects?

My vinyl collection is expanding and I am feed up with borrowing a friend's top of the line VPI ( before he can part with this holy grail of cleaning machines for the weekend I gotta kiss his _$$ , do a ceremonial bow down combined with backwards walking from the moment I leave his front door untill I can reach my car meanwhile he and his girlfriend smile at my display of graciousness. All this is happening fast enought so that the neihbors don't see the embarrassing display). Not really, but sometimes it feels like that when borrowing something expensive from someone else. Now to the point: Recently I came across an old issue of The Absolute Sound magazine and read an article in which the author was stating that record cleaning machines and their chemicals do more HARM than GOOD. The author did not state reasons/proof to validate his claim and instead he refered back to an earlier issue that covered his argument (and I don't happen to own this issue). I've always believed that record cleaning machines provide the best method for removing contaminants...we are after all taking the grime off the grooves aren't we? Any vinyl addicts here aware of reasons not to clean records using this method? Anybody hear about issues with the solvents more than the machine (new vs. old formulas, certain brands, chemical residues left behind on groves)? I am no expert on this subject and would like to get more input from someone more knowledgeable on this subject. I just know there are several vinyl gurus reading this that can shed some light. Also any recommendations on sub $500 machines (low end VPI, mid-upper end Nitty Gritty)? All info highly appreciated.
If you are worried about the cleaning solution leaving residue, simply rinse the records off in a thorough manner with distilled or de-ionized water after the cleaning.

Personally, i've got three record cleaning machines and this is the order that i clean them in. First of all, used records get "scrubbed" by hand whereas new records go directly to the next stage. This stage is a side 1 cleaning using a VPI 16.5 machine using whatever cleaning solution ( VPI, Record Research Labs, etc... ) that i have handy. The record is then flipped to side two and placed on the second VPI 16.5 and that side is cleaned in like manner. From there, the record is tossed onto my Nitty Gritty 1.5Fi and rinsed with distilled water, one side at a time.

While this sounds like it is a pretty expensive and thorough approach, i spent less on these three machines than one could buy a single VPI 17 machine for. To top it off, two ( one VPI and the NG ) out of the three were purchased from dealers ( Music Direct & Audio Consultants ). The second VPI was purchased here on Audiogon from a local that treated it like it was made out of gold.

Other than that, i think that the folks at Last know what they are doing and i wouldn't hesitate to use their products if one was so inclined. Only problem is that they can become quite expensive if going "whole hog" on their cleaning / record maintenance program. Sean
I have owned the Audio Advisor $200 model and now use a VPI 17. The VPI does a much, much, much better job of sucking up the fluid off of the record. No matter how long I went with the AA machine there was always a little moisture on the record when I was done and the VPI seems to get it all.

I also use a large amount of rinse water, spraying it on as the vacuum is running for a couple of rotations. I put it on just to the point where the water it is about to run off the record and then let the vacumn run for a about 3 more times around to dry. This you can't really do with the AA machine because the VPI vacuums on the top and the AA machine from the bottom.
I have read similar things. I have read tests of new albums being opened--played, then cleaned and played and the top end "lost it's magic". I have heard of two identical records being opened at the same time--one cleaned, one not cleaned and the not cleaned sounded better.

I clean all of my albums, even before the first play. I clean the side I'm going to play each time I play them. To me, it really is a no brainer. My albums remain in excellent condition, and I laugh at myself now for how long it took me to actually buy a VPI 16.5.
Most LPs profit, with sometimes really shockingly good results regarding soundstage and presence and some simply do not, lose in presence and immediacy, which can be equally clearly evident. I have still to find out why this is so. The percentage of records which sound clearly worse after cleaning lies at about 5% I would say and mostly they are very early stereos.
I've used a Nitty Gritty 2.5 since 1986, together with the cleaning fluid supplied by NG. I've had fabulous results. My routine is to clean each record once with the Nitty Gritty (sometimes, in the case of a really gunked up LP, twice). Then, both before and after each play, clean the LP with my Audioquest fiber brush. No problems with the LPs, *and* my stylus stays very, very clean.
