Records are better. I actually heard it

Just went to a friend's house whose dad has a (somewhat low end) audiophile system. He had on a couple CD's in the background, but once we started talking audio stuff, he plopped on a record.

And I actually heard with my own ears how much better records sound than CD's! Granted, maybe his CD player was crappy, but really so was his record player. He bought the table at the swap meet for like $50 (supposedly great for bargain tables and records as well), and added a $200 MC cartridge.

But the music, oh the music. I had always just assumed it was going to take a ridiculously expensive system for me to be able to hear the difference. But no. The music was alive. Like it was right there, that's the only way to describe it. And it flowed. The highs seemed effortless and non-fatiguing. The record even had some scratches or whatever in it so that it crackled and popped a bit, but even with this I still preferred it.

I need to find a way to make room, but I don't think I'm going to be able to hold off on getting a turntable for very long. Is there anyone who thinks it would be a big mistake to follow in my friend's dad's footsteps and buy an old table at the swap meet for $50 and add a nice $200 MC cartridge to it? He's picking up records at the swap meet for $1-$2 apiece. That's an entry cost of like $300 for sound that appears to kill CD sound.
amen Ragmuffin

let your ears do the walking

so are your musical tastes more pre 1989?
or have you found a lot of newer vinyl?
Hey Audiotomb,

You know, to be really honest, a significant chunk of my collection is post-1989, though my tastes are all over the place. I do have my share of Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Alice in Chains, Primus, Tool, Tori Amos records and so on--even a some punk and metal! It's the music I grew up with so I'm partial to it, even if it's not the most brilliant stuff in the world. In fact, in the pics of my virtual system, the record sitting on the Gyrodec is an AIC record ;) I'll say that most of the new vinyl I buy is modern music--I'm suprised at how much is available these days!

However, I do have my share of 50's to early 80's music as well and love that too. Some gems are my original Tommy and early pressing DSOTM (I also have the newest 30th edition Dark Side and it sounds incredible), an old Pink Floyd 3-LP bootleg set that may be a Dark Side-era German bootleg, Miles Davis Quiex pressing, Janis, Lou Reed, Sabbath and so-on. I have my eyes out for some good quality Joni Mitchells and early Santanas lately, and more Lou Reed/Velvet stuff too.

I've noticed that alot of my friends' collections are mostly older, pre 80's vinyl. They have some gems, original Led Zep, Floyd and Beatles records and so-on. Cliche but good nonetheless...especially for us "digital" kids ;)
I did something similar, got an old Thorens TD-110 and put on
a decent cartridge (Shure something 97 something). It sounds
fairly good, but you are definitely taking a risk with old
equipment. If I could do it again I would at least have held
out for a TD-125.

However, even a couple of $50 mistakes isn't too bad if you
find a good one.
And don't neglect those new 200g pressings from Classic Records....They're expensive, but they DO sound better!

Norah Jones' record is unbelievable on LP. Lush!

I just ordered Santana's Supernatural (for fifty bucks!) They got me, man...I need the fix!! The CD is killer. I can't wait for the LP.

Don't misunderstand...I've got a ton of bargain records, too... but these 200g pressings are really special. I reserve them for impressing non-stereophiles and for special nights with the grills off the speakers and the lights down low.

BTW, my system is kinda top-end (not braggin', just happy :) maybe that's why these make a difference.

On Christmas, I was laughing as I first played Nat King Cole's "Christmas Song" on CD then on 35 year old record. Even a deaf person would be able to hear that the record sounded so much better.

However, the public has been brainwashed that CDs are better. The "Perfect Sound" I guess wasn't perfect as we now have DVD-A and SACD. The more I read about the latter two, the less inclined I am to pursue them.