Reference 3a MM de Capo i with Pass Labs?

Just want to know if somebody has heard the combination between the Reference 3a MM de Capo i speakers (I own) and a Pass Labs power amplifier (I'm looking for a used Aleph 3 model). I usually hear jazz and classic (sometimes rock). Thanks!.

My actual sistem:
Shanling SCD T-200 superaudio cd player.
Parasound Halo P-3 preamp.
PS audio HCA-2 power amp.
Synergistic Research speaker cables
Acoustic Zen interconnect cables
Thanks Martykl and Mrderrick. If you can advice me about a tube amplifier between $2000.00 and $3000.00. Thanks.
Hey Gus.

When I don't have the Sason Ltd/Si speakers in our system I use this exact combonation: MM de Capo i with a pair of modified Pass Aleph 3 amps. Without a doubt a very musical combination.

I've also heard them in our music room here with Ultra Fi's Daytona Monoblock tube amps. That was KILLER too.

Though I don't own Ralph's OTLs, I've heard them enough to know them very well. Someday I'll own a pair of the M60s. Awesome amps and I'm sure they'd be great with the de Capo.

Hope that helps.



The de Capos are a very easy load for any amp and reasonably sensitive, as well. At various times, I used Cary 300b monos, an Atmasphere S30, and a big ARC VT 130SE, as well as a SS Krell KSA 50s. All worked well, but each sounded a bit differerent - so a lot of it will be personal taste. The Krell seemed the least successful match as the pairing went a bit "dark" and dynamics were less dramatic. No clue why, but that was my impression. The ARC worked well, but I used the other amps more often, so that suggests I preferred the Carys and the Atmasphere. I was voting with my time - you could say.

The S-30 that I owned was from early production and had limited bass capability on other speakers that I used it with, but it mated very nicely with the de Capos. Same for the little Carys, a very good match. IME, lowish powered exotics seemed to be quite happy with these speakers even though these amps had been rather picky about speakers overall.

I now own Prima Luna monos and I suspect that these would be a good combo, but that's only a guess since these amps never overlapped the de Capos in my system. FWIW.

Good Luck,

Robert and Marty: thank you very much about your answers. Theres something that I did not tell you, I live in México and as you know I don't have the same opportunity to try to hear equipment as you can. That's what I need advices about it. Sorry if I'm asking to much.
